TikTok's Wave House Is Full of the New Content Creators on the Block

Updated Sept. 14 2020, 2:41 p.m. ET

Even though TikTok is enjoyed by people of almost every age, it’s clear that becoming part of a content creator collective is a young man’s game. There are multiple groups of these young creators on the platform, including U.K.’s own Wave House. But because it’s so new, people have lots of questions about it.
Some are wondering what the Wave House even is, while others have latched on to the collective’s mysterious method of revealing its members one by one after hiding their respective identities behind masks. And before they had even released any official content, they already had more than 1 million TikTok followers and almost 10 million likes on their handful of videos.
The Wave House is doing something right, even if some of their newfound fans don't quite know what they are doing at all.

TikTok users are curious about what the Wave House is.
Some TikTok users have left comments on the Wave House’s videos about not having the slightest clue who any of them are. Others have simply poked fun at the dramatic reveals of each member. But whatever the case may be, the Wave House has sparked major discussion among their followers and it’s off to a strong start.
Like other groups before it, the Wave House is a collective of content creators and influencers who all live in one house, in this case in the U.K., where they collaborate on different social media projects together and earn money, fans, and fame in doing so. Their house also happens to be a huge mansion and while living in luxury is par for the course with different social media collectives, their regal English mansion has people talking too.
Who are the members of the Wave House?
While not all members of the Wave House were revealed at once, a few have removed their masks as of September 2020. Eloise Fouladgar, who was already a YouTuber, revealed her identity in a TikTok video of herself in what appeared to be a milk bath with two masked men in the bathroom with her. After her big reveal came Jimbo Hall, who had an Instagram following before he became a member of the collective.
His intro video featured him in front of the group’s house with a blue smoke bomb that faded away to reveal him removing his mask. The third Wave House member reveal was from a YouTuber and already avid TikToker by the name of Kate Elizabeth who made her debut by diving into a pool and removing her mask when she emerged.
It isn't the first collective of content creators on TikTok.
Different 'houses' of TikTok have created new career goals for the youth of today. Before the Wave House came groups like Sway House, Hype House, and Clubhouse, which have all seen their own fame thanks to social media across the board, including TikTok. Not only have these collaborations made it possible for young social media stars to work together, but they have also been able to gain massive followings as a result.
The same will likely be said for the Wave House once it gains its footing on social media. Judging by the followers the group already has on TikTok and the thousands of comments questioning who the members are and what their videos mean, they are already on their way to TikTok stardom and they are in good company.