Someday Prince William Will Get to Pick His Name as King — What Will It Be?

Published May 2 2023, 1:26 p.m. ET

A wise lion cub once sang, "And I just can't wait to be king." In all likelihood, King Charles has had that very same thought. After all, it took decades for him to become king. There's much to consider when becoming king, the least of which is one's regal name. Charles had decades to consider what his name would be once he ascended to the throne of England. Ultimately, he landed on King Charles III. We'd like to think this is a nod to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a British-bred dog.
In turn, Prince William will someday have to make the same decision. What will William be called when he becomes king? Perhaps the Lucas Terrier will be his inspiration. King Lucas has kind of a modern-day ring to it.

What will William be called when he becomes king?
In April 2020, Prince William and Kate Middleton hopped on a video call to chat with some kids from Casterton Primary Academy in the U.K. One precocious child asked William about his future king name. "The first William was William the Conqueror," he said. "What do you want to be called?" William laughed it off and declined to comment.
Like his father, if William chooses to use his first name he would be known as King William V. As previously stated by a hilarious young student, William the Conqueror was the first King William. According to Metro UK, after him came his "third son King William II." Six centuries later, King William III ruled from "1650–1702 and was commonly known as William of Orange." Finally, King William IV popped off in 1765 and stayed there until 1837. That's a huge run.
If William opts to forego his first name, he then has the option to use one of his middle names. That's right, he has more than one. We could be looking at a King Arthur, King Philip, or King Louie. Yikes, Prince William could choose to be King Arthur who, let's face it, comes with far too much mythology. Heavy is the head that wears the fictional crown.

Arthur pulling the sword Excalibur from the stone.
There is some controversy surrounding Charles's name.
Global News reported that Charles choosing to stick with his own name was a point of contention considering its history. For starters, "King Charles I, who reigned from 1625 to 1649, is the only British sovereign whose rule led to revolution and the temporary abolition of the monarchy." Could this be a sign of what's to come in the United Kingdom? Hopefully not, as it ended in King Charles I literally losing his head after being convicted of treason.
His son, King Charles II, was less damaging but way more fun. He was nicknamed the "merry monarch" due to his love of women. He had countless mistresses and illegitimate children which was frowned upon. Justin Vovk, a Ph.D. candidate in early modern history at McMaster University, told the outlet, "I think that the Crown has been aware of these issues and I am sure that is something they would have had conversations about." Looks like the Crown didn't mind a fella who just liked to have a good time, for once.