Host Duff Goldman Has Cried Watching Contestants Struggle on 'Kids Baking Championship'

Updated Dec. 28 2020, 5:41 p.m. ET

Reality TV cooking competition shows have taken the world by storm. From Top Chef to Chopped, there are several programs that feature aspiring chefs battling it out for bragging rights and usually a cash prize. After these shows became such a huge hit, television channels like Food Network decided to switch it up a bit and add kids into the mix.
It could be argued that Food Network’s Kids Baking Championship has some of the most adorable contestants with some surprisingly good cooking talents up their aprons. Season 9 of the hit Food Network show is ready to premiere in December 2020, but when did the show actually get filmed?
‘Kids Baking Championship' was most likely filmed in summer 2020.
Food Network took fans behind the scenes of their show to explain the ins and outs of how a show like Kids Baking Championship gets made. It turns out that summer seems to be the best time to get the kids in the kitchen.

“The show is filmed for about a month during the summer at the same studio where adult baking competitions are shot, and nothing is scaled down. The baking stations, equipment and pantry are all standard size. The only concession for kid contestants: They can stand on crates if they’re too short to reach the counter,” the website reads.
'Kids Baking Championship' is filmed in Los Angeles, Calif.
According to The Cinemaholic, Kids Baking Championship is filmed in Los Angeles in the same studio where Food Network films most of their competition shows for adults.
“The show is filmed at the same studio where most adult baking competitions for the Food Network are shot. The Food Network has its television stations, office, and studios located at 5757 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 220 in Los Angeles. Therefore, we believe that Kids Baking Championship is also filmed there,” the outlet reported.
The hosts and judges for 'Kids Baking Championship' are Duff Goldman and Valerie Bertinelli.
Professional chef Duff Goldman and actress Valerie Bertinelli host Kids Baking Championship and they admitted there are times when they get just as invested in the competition as the kids. Duff even admitted to crying when seeing some of the kids struggle. “They were just baking their hearts out. I couldn't help it," he told Food Network.
As far as judging the kids’ food goes, he admires how mature and strong the young contestants are. "These kids have such a backbone. If you were to critique my food the way we do theirs, I'd be like, 'You're wrong!'" he joked.
Both judges admitted to how hard it is to remain an impartial participant. When they see a kid struggling, they want to offer tips or help. "A few times I've begged our producer to let me help someone and she always tells me no," Valerie said.
The only time the hosts can step in is when a contestant is ready to quit, but even then, all Duff and Valerie are allowed to do is offer encouragement, not instruction.