The '90 Day Fiancé' Season 8 Tell-All Was Missing Some Cast Members

Published April 9 2021, 1:01 p.m. ET

There are some things in this life that are certain, and one of those things is a show in the 90 Day Fiancé franchise airing at any given time throughout any given year. Even though Season 8 has come to a close with the tell-all set and everything (mostly) tied up, it won't be long before some of the cast is back for another season of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, so there's that.
What some fans want to know, however, is when the Season 8 Tell-All was filmed. It's no big secret that the majority of the season was shot during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only as the season aired did U.S. states begin to open up a bit, so it wouldn't have been surprising to learn that the Tell-All was filmed remotely. However, that doesn't seem to be the case.

When was the '90 Day Fiancé' Season 8 Tell-All filmed?
According to Stephanie Davison (who cousin-hopped this season when her first boyfriend didn't work out, but his cousin did), the Tell-All was filmed in Los Angeles. So, going by different cast members' Instagram feeds, some of them had tagged Los Angeles in March 2021. It's entirely possible that the Tell-All was filmed in February or March 2021 in the city.
The studio for 90 Day Bares All also appears to be in Los Angeles. It would make sense for filming for the Tell-All to commence in-studio, where Shaun Robinson already hosts cast members in the 90 Day Fiancé franchise. The good news is that if February or March 2021 really is when the Tell-All was filmed, much of the content will be pretty up-to-date once it airs.
Why isn't Stephanie on the '90 Day Fiancé' Tell-All?
When Stephanie announced on Instagram that the Tell-All was filmed in L.A., she also added that she didn't attend the taping. Earlier in 2021, Stephanie alleged that she was sexually assaulted while filming her scenes for the show in Belize. She shared on Instagram that she had planned to take legal action against the company behind 90 Day Fiancé.
Stephanie wrote on Instagram that she was "manipulated to keep filming," even after she "begged" to stop, following her discomfort with her former fiancé Ryan. Her experience on the show was marred by her trip to Belize and now, she isn't expecting to return to the franchise.
We're guessing that's why Stephanie did not film the Tell-All with the rest of the cast.

Mike and Natalie will return for '90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?' Season 6.
Natalie Mordovtseva and Mike Youngquist had a wild ride during Season 8 of 90 Day Fiancé. They went from reuniting in the U.S. on shaky ground, to setting a wedding date, to breaking up on the day of their planned wedding. Then, they ended up getting married anyway. Their extreme highs and lows certainly make for good TV though, which might be why they'll both be back for 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? Season 6.
Mike's Uncle Beau Lawrence did reveal to In Touch Weekly, however, that the couple broke up yet again not long after they tied the knot. If their umpteenth split is chronicled during 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? it wouldn't be the worst thing. Mike and Natalie are synonymous with drama and fans of the show are here for it.