OK, Where Are All the Alien Suits in 'GTA Online' Coming From?
Updated April 29 2020, 10:03 p.m. ET

Grand Theft Auto Online is a weird and wonderful part of Grand Theft Auto 5, and as such it's filled with some of the coolest secrets the series has ever seen. Perhaps one of the oddest parts of playing the online multiplayer portion of Grand Theft Auto 5 are the roving gangs of green aliens that can be found throughout the game. Weird, yes, but also totally awesome. So how do you get one of those lime green suits? We're about to tell you so you can be part of the "alien gang invasion."
Well, it's quite simple, really, and it involves having a ton of cash. You're going to want to start saving up now so you can go be a part of all the delinquent gang activities that alien suit wearers get up to: gang wars with other "aliens," beating players up, and other weird activities that you'll see occasionally when you jump into the game. You too can be a part of it all. We wouldn't let you feel left out. Here's what you need to do.

Here's how to get the green alien suit in 'GTA Online'.
The green alien costume you've been seeing around GTA Online has an official name: the Green Martian Bodysuit. It's not a secret item or difficult to come by, at all. It's actually an outfit that you can purchase at any clothing shop in-game. You can even buy it at an Ammu-Nation gun shop if you prefer. All you need to do is check the "Bodysuits" option when checking through "Outfits" in the store menu to find a few options.
When you rifle through the available options, you'll see the Green Martian Bodysuit, which is what you're looking for. There's also a bright purple version if green isn't your color. You can either unlock them while playing the GTA Online Arena War Career mode or purchase them outright for a pretty penny: $358,000 or $330,000 apiece. You'll need to make sure you save up if you want to make one of these bad boys yours. Luckily, it can be fairly simple to earn cash while playing.

So what do you actually do when you have an alien suit? That's up to you. You can roam the world causing trouble or just go do your own thing with your friends, assuming you're all matching in your skintight bodysuits. You can go check out a poker game, rip up the streets in an awesome ride, or maybe stir up some trouble with an alien gang you find in-game. The veil of anonymity means the in-game world is your oyster, and what better game for you to have control over?
Just don't let being an alien mean you're also a jerk. It can be fun just to strut around looking weird and hiding your character's face. And who hasn't wanted to look like a super cool alien in GTA Online? That's right – no one.