'Christmas in Evergreen' Has Duped Audiences With a Dirty Location Lie

Published Dec. 5 2020, 12:37 p.m. ET

There's no shortage of Hallmark Christmas movies, especially in 2020, when at least a whopping 40 new holiday-themed flicks are set to air on the network. While they and their marketing strategies are the subject of ridicule for folks who notice some glaring trends between the titles, there's a sizable demographic of folks who are enamored with the movies and would like to know more about them. Like folks who are wondering where Christmas in Evergreen is filmed.
Where was 'Christmas in Evergreen' filmed? Not Vermont.
I know, it's a sad and vile lie of the movie business: Not everything is filmed on the actual location where a movie is set. In some cases, it's pretty evident: Phone Booth is clearly shot in Los Angeles and not New York City; Moon was actually filmed in a place more lonely and depressing than outer space: London.

Christmas in Evergreen takes place in Evergreen, Vt., which is a fictitious town. No big deal, though, plenty shows make up fake towns in real states. (Although I do admit it took me forever to discover Pawnee from Parks and Recreation didn't actually exist, as hard as that is for me to admit.)
But here's the thing: CIE is also not shot in Vermont. It's actually filmed in another country entirely.
No, the production team didn't pull a Cold Mountain and make a movie about North Carolina in Romania, but they did move slightly up North from the Maple Syrup state to another area famed for its sweet tree nectar: British Columbia, Canada.
I know, any Christmas in Evergreen movie is now officially ruined for you and you'll never be able to watch it again knowing that Justin Trudeau's country had something to do with producing it.
Tons of scenes were filmed at the Burnaby Village Museum.
The picturesque town in which CIE is filmed, however, is the real deal when it comes to quaint coziness. A lot of footage from the holiday-themed movie series was shot at the Burnaby Village Museum in BC, Canada. The adorable little town used to be known as Heritage Village and prior to COVID, was the epicenter of an awesome Christmas celebration.

It's also right near Deer Park Lake, another beautiful location and tourist hot spot. So if you ever wanted to live out your own Hallmark Christmas movie and didn't want to fly all the way over to Bruges (or re-enact scenes from that particular movie) then you may want to give Burnaby a whirl.
From the looks of various social media hashtags and folks making the trek over there to do something cute for the holidays, it certainly appears to live up to its on-screen reputation.
And if you haven't seen the movie and want to know what other Christmas movie die-hards think about it, CIE is getting some pretty high marks.
Well, relatively speaking and in context of the very specific niche of flicks. It's not like they're trying to go toe-to-toe with Mank this year at the Oscars, or anything.