Man Threatens to Call Cops on Phone Repair Shop Because They Didn’t Try White Rice Trick

Published Sept. 16 2022, 9:31 a.m. ET

The world is full of people who have fabulous opinions that they hold as personal credos. The trouble is, oftentimes these personal credos and opinions aren't based on any evidence and the second that person tests/challenges their thoughts, they usually end up getting blown out of the water by facts. Ultimately they're left with one of two options.
The first is that they can honestly learn from that mistake by actively attempting to change whatever it is that they're doing, which is something different. As the saying goes: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. However, a lot of people double down on whatever beliefs they have because they can't stand being wrong.
Because if they acknowledge that they're wrong, all of a sudden they're on the hook for changing their actions. They must either do that or just admit that they're a coward and create a life in doing that, which doesn't sound so good.
All of this philosophical talk brings us to a perfect example of this: a "deranged" customer who was recorded getting into an argument with a repair tech over white rice.
In a viral TikTok posted @mattsplattr0, viewers saw a recording of a man arguing with OP over the curative properties of white rice when it comes to electronics. For some reason, the customer wanted to get into an ideological debate over white rice and smartphones, and a snippet of their conversation was recorded and uploaded online.

It's unclear why an individual in question brought their smartphone to an electronics repair shop to be a lobbyist for white rice and water-damaged phones, but here we are.
"White rice wouldn't solve the problem," the customer asks.
"White rice does not repair phones," the employee responds.

The customer continues, "Someone just told me this morning I'm talking about a water damaged phone, someone told me this morning that they put a whole video camera in a bag of white rice and it solved the problem."
"OK," the employee says.
"Why would it not solve this?"
"Because white rice does not repair an electrical connection. It's damaged," the employee responds.

"How do you know what was wrong in there?" The customer inquires.
"I went through and looked...and found the problem."
"I asked you if white rice would repair said no."
The two of them then get into an argument over the semantics of using white rice vs brown rice in absorbing moisture from the phone.

"You said brown rice," the employee said.
"That's what I said yesterday...I said...rice I didn't say white rice. White rice wouldn't repair that."
"You have said three different things since you've stood here," the employee says.
The man, smiling replies, "And you lied to me."
"No," the employee says.
"You lied to me," the man repeats.

It's at this point in the conversation the man's reason for his concern becomes clear: he seems to think that the wool was pulled over his eyes and that the repair shop wanted to charge him for repairing a phone that he thinks he could've otherwise fixed if he put it inside a bag of white rice.

"Not once."
"Let's just wait till the cops get here. OK?" the customer states.
"OK," the employee responds.
"I don't care what was wrong because all I did was slide in water sir. You told me flat out white rice would not repair that. Flat out."
"Exactly," the employee said.
"Exactly," the customer repeats.
"It won't. It won't," the cell phone repair worker said.

"OK, that's not what I'm hearing."
"Well, what you hear and what I actually did are two different things."
"I don't care what you did."
"So what kind of world do you live in where what is actually repaired and what you're told are two different things and you don't care to know the truth."

The man stands there, grinning. "I do care to know the truth. I've been told by many people that white rice will do it."
"I come in here to your business you tell me it won't."
"I could tell you the world is flat," the employee says.
"Lot of people will tell me it isn't," the man responds, ironically proving the worker's point.

The man stands there for a bit, appearing to reboot. "But when it comes to cell phones which are kid's toys..." and then the video cuts out, possibly because the TikToker wanted to save anyone else from hearing the rest of the man's ramblings.

Maybe the man couldn't google the efficacy of white rice on water-damaged cell phones because his phone was broken and he didn't have access to the internet, but there are multiple articles dating years back that white rice does not fix water-damaged cell phones.
It's ultimately a placebo effect and if the wiring in your device happens to dry out and boot up without any damage to your internal components then you're lucky. However, sometimes water does indeed damage a phone's inner bits, and the affected parts must then be replaced.