"Whites-Only" Sign for Mom and Tots Group Is Causing a Frenzy Online

Published Sept. 26 2023, 10:48 p.m. ET
A bizarre sign has appeared at a bus stop in Port Coquitlam, Canada and its message is disturbing. The sign, which appears to be an advertisement for a “Whites-only Moms and Tots” group, was posted on Twitter by @Nantanreikan. The tweet has been viewed by more than 6 million Twitter users, who are sounding off about the racist message displayed at a location frequented by school kids.
“Are you looking for somewhere your children can play with others that look like them? Are they tired of being a minority in their schools or daycares?” the poster reads. “Escape forced ‘diversity’ and join other proud parents of European children as we create an atmosphere where our kids can feel like they belong.” The poster further suggests that parents of European children should only let their kids spend time with “their own people — because they deserve it.”
After the post began to circulate online, the city of Port Coquitlam released a statement condemning the group and the message on the poster. “This vile garbage isn’t welcome in our community, or anywhere else,” the statement reads. “We strive and continue to work on building the bonds of our community and breaking down barriers, promoting all the diversity our city has.” Social media users have also sounded off and their reactions are surprisingly split.
Twitter users have mixed opinions about the Whites-only Moms & Tots group.
Opinions about the Whites-only Moms & Tots group are mixed, as some Twitter users see no problem with the racially-exclusive event. “I would like the city to explain what is hateful about identitarian social gatherings,” one person tweeted.
Others seemed to agree, suggesting that the city of Port Coquitlam was trying to force white people to interact with those of other racial backgrounds.
And then there were others who questioned whether the same level of outrage would be present if the poster was targeting people of color. People pointed out that there are lots of groups for only Blacks, Asians, etc.
Meanwhile, some were quick to point out that racist language on the posters, which states that mothers and children who are not of European descent are banned from joining the group.
Whites-only groups operate openly in America too.
The controversy surrounding the Whites-only Moms & Tots group is nothing compared to the discriminatory beliefs of the religious group known as the Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA). The church, described as an “extremist group” by the Anti-Defamation League, has chapters and churches across the U.S., according to NBC News. The AFA ideology is based on the “expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe,” emphasizing that the church is only for white people.

In 2020, the AFA purchased an abandoned church in rural Murdock, Minn., prompting backlash from the town’s nearly 300 residents. “I know I’ve got a bunch of people in town worked up about it,” Mayor Craig Kavanagh told Star Tribune. “People don’t know what to think. Obviously, some are expecting the worst.” The AFA pushed back against the outrage, suggesting that they were simply looking for a home to practice their faith.