The Whitney Houston Hologram Tour Is Just as Creepy as You'd Think It Would Be

Updated Feb. 20 2020, 6:20 p.m. ET

It's one thing for previously unreleased work of an artist to be published after their death, but it's a completely different thing to send a hologram of a long-dead star on tour.
That's exactly what Whitney Houston's estate is currently doing. In case you missed it, Whitney Houston the hologram will be going on an international tour in what Base Hologram is titling "An Evening With Whitney: The Whitney Houston Hologram Tour."
If that sounds creepy to you, that's because it is.
The company released the first video of the Whitney Houston hologram.
The hologram was created by a company called Base Hologram, which partnered with the icon's estate to create the visual and the tour and premiered a sneak peek of the experience on the morning show This Morning.
“Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Whitney Houston, very much live,” the hologram said before performing one of the singer's hit songs.
Base Hologram announced that the hologram would be going on tour, providing fans with a posthumous concert experience with Whitney.

"This isn’t something that we’re just putting together. This is something that she wanted to do," Whitney's former manager Pat Houston told the New York Post. "I get very emotional watching this because it is so close to what she wanted. The only thing missing was her, physically.”
The tour will kick off on Feb. 25 in Sheffield, England, and continue with dates in Belgium, France, Germany, Slovakia, and other European cities. The company also revealed it will be adding North American, Mexican, and "other" tour dates.
Twitter is already calling out the hologram's horrible graphics.
Besides the obvious fact that creating a hologram of long-dead star and sending it on tour is more creepy than heartfelt, the holographic is unarguably horrible. Many of the reactions to the video comment on how stiff the graphic look, saying it doesn't even do justice to Whitney.
"First look: Whitney Houston Hologram Tour. Other news: Whitney Houston turns over in her grave," one user tweeted.
"Whitney Houston wanted to die so that you could profit off of her posthumously by creating a hologram tour with Playstation 1 graphics? Chile...the delusion," another said.
Some are even saying that the preview's flop is an indicator that the tour probably will too.
"I'm not saying the Whitney Houston hologram tour will be a hot mess, but they are suggesting she had as much grace as a malfunctioning The Sims character wafting away a fart on," someone tweeted.
"Whitney Houston hologram on This Morning. Looks nothing like her, and doesn’t look at all real. Just looks like a big TV screen playing a slightly laggy video of a lookalike," another user tweeted.
But mostly, people are horrified at the hologram in general.
"random person- what are you scared of? me - whitney houston’s hologram in this morning," one Twitter user joked.
Whatever comes of this tour, we're not sure it's going to be good at all.