Adult 'Bluey' Viewers Can't Stop Guessing Who the Father of Bluey's Future Child Is
Are you Team Mackenzie? Or Team Jean Luc? There's also another option you're not considering.

Published April 23 2024, 4:45 p.m. ET

The surprise season finale of Bluey (aptly titled "Surprise!") sent viewers a bit into the future. At the end of the episode, viewers watched an adult Bluey return to the family home that was almost sold in the episode before, only to be play-ambushed by a child who many assume is the protagonist's own child.
Of course, this flash forward to the play time at grandma and grandpa's house made many viewers feel fuzzy inside, while others were desperate to know who Bluey could've had a baby with. If you're in the latter group and just have to know who could be the father of this puppy, let's break down what we know.

Jean Luc and Mackenzie are the first contenders for Bluey's baby daddy.
Both Jean Luc and Mackenzie seem to be potential love interests for Bluey, and the internet seems to be divided as to which of them it could be. Given that Bluey's baby looks a lot like Muffin, there are different routes each side has taken to get to their father of choice but to be clear, there isn't a clear canon answer just yet.
"I like to imagine it's Mackenzie, personally," Reddit user Kalse1229 argued. "Granted I'm biased since he's probably my favorite non-Heeler pup, and I'll admit I'm a sucker for a "childhood friends turn romantic" trope, but I do like it because they sort of parallel Chilli and Bandit."
"I’m going to place my bets that Bluey’s future husband has to be Mackenzie," user Yoshi_chuck05 argued for the childhood friend. "The kid’s got the one flopped ear and almost the same color pattern as him and their tails are so fluffy along with the kids body too."
"Floppy ear could be from Jean-Luc though, as both of his ears are folded and it could be a co-dominant trait," user VGSchadenfreud argued for Jean Luc.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but we know for a fact that Bluey and Jean Luc find each other again when they're older, we don't know if Mackenzie and Bluey are still buds when they're older," user Electrical-Schedule7 piped in with their vote for Jean Luc.
But again, we don't exactly know if either of these characters is the father of Bluey's future child, as the show's writers didn't confirm it in the episode.
There's a secret third option: Bluey could've had a baby with someone we haven't met.
At the end of the day, Bluey is a children's show, and our plucky little pup is only seven at the time of the series. There's no reason for the writers to unveil just yet who she eventually marries and starts a family with — even if we're all wondering who it could be.
"I think it would ruin the show if they confirmed who the father is," Reddit user watermelonlollies pointed out. "It would take away from the fact that this is a children’s show and ultimately bluey is still a child. We shouldn’t be concerned with her future dating life, she’s 7."
Though we don't have an answer, it may be a fun guessing game for the rest of the time Bluey airs on our screens.