'New Amsterdam' Confirms Our Suspicions About Who Didn't Survive the Accident (UPDATE)

Updated March 30 2021, 9:50 a.m. ET
Update: We were unfortunately correct about who died on the New Amsterdam season 2 premiere — although the writers managed to pull off a reasonably effective fake-out for most of the episode.
The show flashed forward three months from the accident and showed Max and his wife waking up to the sound of their daughter, Luna, crying. "Your turn," said Georgia (that's also the title of this episode), to which Max responded, "It's always my turn." The couple sang to their baby and everything seemed perfect.
However, in the final scenes, after learning Sharpe and Bloom both survived their injuries, we realize Max's interactions with Georgia are all in his head, and when he tells his wife, "it's always my turn," it's because she's no longer there. So heartbreaking.
Original story: Last season of New Amsterdam ended with a real cliffhanger. After Dr. Lauren Bloom helped deliver Georgia and Max's daughter, Luna, at home, they all were transported via ambulance, along with Dr. Helen Sharpe. En route to the hospital, the ambulance was in a horrific accident, rolling over several times.
Already we know there were casualties among the EMT crew, but previews for the Season 2 premiere also reveal a character far better known to fans won't make it.
The promos for the season opener reveal one of three important women in Max's life — either Helen, Lauren, or Georgia — will not survive.

So, who dies on the New Amsterdam Season 2 premiere?
If you're hoping we'll know immediately who Max lost, it won't be revealed within the first few moments of the episode.
According to executive producer David Schulner, the season opens three months into the future, and will likely play somewhat coy with revealing who we've lost. However, the episode will eventually flash back and viewers will "see the accident play out in real time."
Though the showrunner has done everything possible to keep that question under wraps, there are a few clues that might help reveal who didn't make it. If you don't want to know a thing about what's coming, stop reading now!

First off, Max is being treated by a new oncologist named Dr. Valentina Castro, according to TVLine. That revelation might lead fans to conclude Helen is the woman who doesn't survive the accident.
However, it's worth noting that Freema Agyeman, who plays Dr. Sharpe, currently has no credits on IMDb following New Amsterdam, and as a highly in-demand actor, it seems unlikely that she would have nothing lined up after wrapping the NBC medical drama.
However, one of the three actresses most certainly does have a new job worth noting.
Lisa O'Hare, who plays Georgia Goodwin, has a new gig on Broadway.
The actress has been a recurring player on New Amsterdam from the jump, but it's potentially telling that she has a play opening in September on Broadway. The Height of the Storm entered into previews on Sept. 10 at the Samuel J Friedman Theatre, with a slated run from Tuesday, Sept. 24 to Nov. 17, 2019.
Lisa's commitment to eight shows a week would almost certainly conflict with appearing on a television show that is currently in production.
That's not a definitive confirmation that Georgia is the casualty, but it's the biggest clue we've got so far. However, we can also point to the size of Georgia's role on the show thus far and how it would serve the storyline of the show moving forward.
While it would be obviously tragic for Max the character to lose his beloved wife, there are a lot more storytelling possibilities for a male lead who is a widow with an infant than there is for a happily married one. The show has built up some romantic tension between Helen and Max, for example, but there's no way for the writers to explore that thread without making the hero of the show into a philanderer.
And finally, it's far more likely this early into a series for a featured guest star to be killed off than one of the leads. While anything's possible in a post-Game of Thrones world, the safest bet is on Georgia's storyline coming to an end.
You won't have to wait too long to find out if we're right. New Amsterdam returns Sept. 24 at 9 p.m. ET on NBC.