'Floribama Shore's Codi Butts Is Dating Someone and No, It's Not Candace Rice

Published May 13 2021, 5:13 p.m. ET

In the eyes of some Floribama Shore fans, Codi Butts is a little late to the dating game. For most of the show's first few seasons, Codi was one of the cast members who managed to stay out of the drama. He was better known for offering his roommates and co-stars comedic relief and a shoulder to cry on than he was for relationship drama.
Now, however, he's dating someone outside of the show and people want to know who she is. Judging by Instagram, the announcement of the mystery woman comes as a surprise to most of Codi's Floribama Shore besties, too.
So, who is Codi dating? What we do know is that his girlfriend isn't co-star Candace Rice, despite fans shipping them hard for years.

So, who is Codi Butts dating?
Although Codi hasn't introduced the woman who appears to be his girlfriend on the show just yet, he did share multiple Instagram posts with a lady by the name of Ashton DiFiore. Like Codi, she lives in South Carolina and even went to Hilton Head High School, so there's a chance the pair has known each other for a while before they caught feelings.
In an Instagram post from May 11, 2021, Codi shared some photos with Ashton, which he captioned, "I have [met] someone so special. She is amazing and wonderful. I can't wait to see where life takes us!"
That same day, he shared more photos with her, along with another romantic caption: "You never know who you will meet in life. But it could be the love of your life! But we will see what happens."
Codi's girlfriend graduated from college in May 2021.
Unlike Codi, Ashton is not well-versed in the world of reality TV. In fact, she just graduated from college in May 2021, which makes her around 21 years old. Even though Codi is at the tail end of his twenties, it's no secret that he's still deep in his partying days and shows no signs of maturing out of them — so a relationship might actually work well for these two.
But while Ashton might be no stranger to partying herself, she does seem to hold her Christian faith close to her heart. Her Instagram bio mentions being "wholly surrendered" and in a post about graduation, she credits God with helping her along the way in her studies and in life.

The other stars of 'Floribama Shore' haven't met Codi's girlfriend just yet.
Although Codi himself hasn't outright called Ashton his girlfriend, that's certainly who she seems to be. However, it looks like his Florabama Shore co-stars haven't met her yet. When Codi shared Instagram photos of himself with Ashton, Aimee Hall commented, asking why he hadn't called her with the news. Kirk Medas and Candace shared their own surprise in comments on the same post.
Gus Smyrnios also chimed in to joke that he was "telling Candace," but for the most part, Codi's co-stars seem happy for him. Of course the real test will be if and when Codi introduces Ashton on the show, but he'll probably worry about crossing that bridge when he gets to it.
Watch Floribama Shore on Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on MTV.