Comedian Heather McMahan Talks Touring, Social Media & Her Rise to Fame (EXCLUSIVE)

Published Oct. 6 2021, 12:56 p.m. ET

After a year and a half of being holed up in our homes thanks to a global pandemic, the one thing we can all agree on is that we need comedy. Luckily, there are people who are happy to bring it to us, and Distractify was fortunate enough to speak with Heather McMahan, who’s been bringing smiles to people’s faces during a difficult time.
Who is Heather McMahan? Well, she’s a badass comedian who makes a living by making people laugh. Even while doing things like promoting Smile Direct Club for World Smile Week, Heather finds a way to make her followers and fans giggle with silliness. So, we asked Heather about her career as a comedian and what’s to come for her.

Heather McMahan is a touring comedian who uses characters to put smiles on people’s faces.
Heather speaking exclusively with Distractify, said, “[I like] promoting happiness and joy and doing acts of kindness toward other people,” she shared.
“I think that coming out of this last year and a half of just craziness, I feel like we really need to kind of reset our minds and our intentions, and just be nicer to people.” We definitely agree, so it gives us relief to see Heather continuing onward.
With her upcoming comedy tour, “The Farewell Tour,” Heather is ecstatic to be back on the road. “I love touring, I love seeing people's faces,” she says. “There's nothing better than feeling that energy of performing live. I'll tell you what — it is really good to be back on the road.” And now, she’s able to use that energy and what she knows from touring to catapult her career even higher.
Between social media and Netflix films, Heather McMahan is taking her career to new heights.
On Nov. 5, Heather is appearing in a new Netflix holiday movie, Love Hard. So for those who know her best from Instagram and TikTok, she’s going to appear on an even bigger screen very soon.
While Heather wasn’t able to get up on stage during the pandemic, like a lot of comedians, she found a good home on Instagram for her jokes. “Instagram is really where I thrive,” she explained.
“Social media has been really cool for me because if I had something funny or a joke I wanted to share, I could do it immediately and put it up," she said. "It was a really cool way to control your own career and your own narrative, and as a creative person, it's nice when I have a thought I want to put out there, I put it on Instagram, and see what works.”

But Heather shared that it wasn’t always easy — she may not have been able to work on some other projects during COVID-19, but many of her fans know that she and her husband moved in with her 73-year-old mother.
By putting her life on display, she was able to give us some giggles. And before rising up to fame? Heather worked “every hospitality job you can imagine” from nannying and bartending to working at gyms.
So if there’s anything we can learn from Heather, it’s to keep smiling through it all, and as she says, “live our best life.”
Follow Heather on Instagram at @heatherkmcmahan and tune into Love Hard on Netflix on Nov. 5.