An Order 66 Flashback in 'The Mandalorian' Reveals [SPOILER] Saved Grogu

Published March 22 2023, 10:54 a.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Season 3, Episode 4 of The Mandalorian.
At last, we finally know how Grogu survived Order 66. In the latest chapter of The Mandalorian, the Armorer (Emily Swallow) forges a new piece of Mandalorian armor for the toddler — a rondel bearing Din Djarin's (Pedo Pascal) mudhorn sigil. As she works away, Grogu painfully recalls his rescue from the burning Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
It's here the Disney Plus series introduces Kelleran Beq (Ahmed Best), the Jedi Master who saved Grogu's life. We know what you're thinking: Who is Kelleran Beq? Stick around for all the known details about the character.
Who is Kelleran Beq in 'The Mandalorian'?
For starters, Kelleran Beq was a Jedi Master who supervised the training of Padawans on the starship Athylia alongside his droid companions, AD-3 and LX-R5. The character first arrived in the children's game show Star Wars: Jedi Challenge, which put young competitors to the test through various physical and mental challenges, simulating Jedi training.
He was skilled with lightsabers, earning the nickname "The Sabered Hand" during his time as a Padawan; with that said, it makes sense that he would be one of Order 66's few survivors. Kelleran was proficient with all seven lightsaber forms, including Jar'Kai, which sees the Jedi wield two lightsabers at once.

Kelleran Beq battles the clone troopers as Grogu escapes.
Kelleran did just that during the Siege of the Jedi Temple, taking down clone troopers with green and purple lightsabers. In the midst of the attack, he rescued Grogu, and the two escaped with the help of sympathetic members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces. It's unclear where he took the youngling, but we have high confidence that Kelleran took him to Naboo.
Ahmed Best is no stranger to the 'Star Wars' franchise.
In case you forgot, Ahmed Best played one of the most controversial characters, well, ever: Jar Jar Binks. He provided the motion capture and voice for the character in the prequel trilogy, albeit his screen time dramatically decreased with each film.
Jar Jar Binks quickly became the most hated character in the franchise, with many fans and critics claiming the clumsy Gungan was based on racist stereotypes. The hostility affected Ahmed personally, who poured his entire heart and soul into the character and rejected claims that Jar Jar was a mashup of racist stereotypes.

Ahmed Best as Jedi Master Kelleran Beq and Jar Jar Binks
In 2020, Ahmed spoke with ABC News and revealed the vicious backlash drove him to consider suicide: "I felt alone," he said. "And anytime you feel alone in a situation that's overwhelming I think you're going to go into some kind of a state that moves into the unhealthy." At one point, Ahmed found himself standing on the edge of the Brooklyn Bridge — but he decided not to jump.
"As a black man from New York City, from the Bronx, there's this facade that I can't be hurt," Ahmed told the outlet. "In actuality, I was really just crumbling inside." A few years later, he returned to the same spot alongside his son.
"I looked at my son and I realized that, 'I almost didn't have you,'" the 49-year-old actor recalled. "And he's the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. ... Had I not stepped away from the edge of the bridge, my life wouldn't have been as fundamentally changed in such a positive way."
New episodes of The Mandalorian premiere Wednesdays on Disney Plus.
If you or someone you know are experiencing suicidal thoughts, call, text, or message the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Dial or text 988, call 1-800-273-8255, or chat via their website.