Who Is Mama Mai? She Gets a Shout-Out Every Day on 'The Price Is Right'
George has been saying "hi" to Mama Mai on air since 2014.

Published May 27 2021, 5:47 p.m. ET
Fans of The Price Is Right are probably familiar with the show's announcer George Gray. At the beginning of every show when he's introducing host Drew Carey, he says "Hi, Mama Mai!" Actually, George has been doing this every day for years. For some people, this may just be a random shout-out, but for him, it's much more.
It turns out that George and Mama Mai have a relationship that goes back decades — but who is she? Is she a former contestant or just a really big fan? Her connection to The Price Is Right is one of sentimental value, and her daily shout-out can easily be considered the most heartwarming part of the show.

Meet Mama Mai!
So, who is Mama Mai on 'The Price Is Right?'
In an April 2016 tweet, one fan of The Price Is Right asked George this burning question. He shared that Mama Mai is his mother. "Mama Mai is my dear sweet mom, who watches the show every day! :)," he tweeted back. According to the show's Fandom page, George has been saying hi to his mom on air since 2014.
On Mama Mai's birthday in February 2020, George posted a pic of her on Instagram thanking The Price is Right for letting him give her this small gesture. "Today is my dear, sweet Mama Mai's birthday," he said. "Haaaaappy Birthday! Thanks @therealpriceisright for letting me say hi to her every morning :)"
George Gray has another woman in his life: his wife.
His wife, Brittney Renee Gray, makes an occasional appearance on his Instagram, but she likes to keep to herself and doesn't mind letting you know. Her Instagram is set to private and she has a message to potential followers in her bio. "I’m a high school math teacher... no seriously," it begins. "But if I don’t know you personally then don’t request to follow me, I won’t accept...Thanks."
There, Brittney also links to an Entertainment Tonight video about George's health issues that led to three open-heart surgeries. She joins him in the interview and talks about what it was like to see her husband in that kind of condition. She says she was scared of him dying and that anything could happen. "Especially after the second [heart attack] I thought he was gone in surgery," she said.
Luckily, George survived and returned to The Price Is Right just five months after it all. But he did urge people to be proactive with their health to make sure they don't have to deal with the issues he did. He said he had no idea that the entire right side of his heart was blocked before he had those heart attacks.
"When you get to a certain age, do a stress test," George says in the ET interview. "Check out your ticker. Make sure it's where it needs to be. Go to the doctor," he said, looking straight into the camera. "I mean, it could save your life."