Why All Kinda Know Who Rory Gilmore's Baby Daddy Is, Right?

Updated Nov. 25 2020, 10:30 p.m. ET

**Gilmore Girls spoilers ahead**
Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life has finally made its TV debut, which means you can watch the revival if you don't have Netflix. The four-episode season was released back in 2016 on the streaming platform, and it took fans back to Stars Hallow to catch up with Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. The show, which originally aired on the CW, ended in 2007 with Rory landing a part-time gig as a reporter covering Barack Obama's campaign. It was a fitting ending for Rory Gilmore, who'd always dreamed of traveling and making a difference with her words and observations.
But the finale never answered the question of what the final four words were. Amy Sherman-Palladino left the show due to a dispute between herself and the network and was replaced by David S. Rosenthal before she could play out the ending she had planned. We had to wait until 2016 to find out what she had wanted for her characters. Nine years later, we learned that they were...*Drum roll*
"I'm pregnant."
The finale of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life revealed Rory was pregnant. And many fans were confused and unsettled.

Who is Rory's baby daddy?
It's strongly implied that Rory's baby daddy is her ex, Logan, with whom she hooked up even though Logan is engaged and Rory is dating a boring guy named Paul. Rory is most likely pregnant with Logan's baby since there was so much emphasis put on their affair and the fact that Rory often forgot Paul even existed. There's also a slight chance that the baby is the random Star Wars fan (the Wookie) Rory sleeps with in "Spring," but the timeline just doesn't add up. Plus, Logan has always been compared to her father, Christopher. Everything comes full circle in Gilmore Girls.
And before you wonder, "Couldn't it be Jess?" The answer is no. It cannot be Jess. Even Milo Ventimiglia himself murdered that theory in 2017 at the Heroes and Villains Fan Fest, saying, "Just so you know, it's not Jess' kid." Not that this would be even remotely possible, since Rory and Jess didn't get intimate in A Year in the Life .

Regardless of whose baby it is, a lot of Gilmore Girls fans don't love the fact that Rory ends up unexpectedly pregnant (just like how they didn't love the fact that Rory's BFF Lane, who had huge dreams and wanted to move away from her mom and Stars Hallow, ends up pregnant and working with her mom at the antique store). It's not what Rory (or Lane) wanted. Rory was an ambitious woman who wanted to travel the world and become a world class reporter. She settles on being a mom and potentially writing a book called...Gilmore Girls. Womp womp.

While we get why Rory's storyline was written that way (try as she might, she couldn't escape her mom's own fate), we still wish Rory had a bigger future — one that she wanted. Becoming a parent isn't a bad thing, but it's not what Rory had planned on, and certainly not with Logan.