Who Is the Confidential Informant on 'Power Book II: Ghost?' The Answer May Be Right in Front of Us

Published March 20 2023, 5:13 p.m. ET

Spoiler alert: The following article contains spoilers for those who aren't caught up on Power Book II: Ghost Season 3.
Starz’s hit series Power Book II: Ghost is back with a bang!
As viewers continue to follow Tariq’s (Michael Rainey Jr.) journey as a full-time student and drug dealer, multiple issues have come to light which can land him back in jail — and this time, for good.
For starters, Tariq, Brayden (Gianni Paolo), and Cane (Woody McClain) find themselves to be the newly minted drug distributors for Noma (Caroline Chikeze), Mecca’s now ex-girlfriend and drug partner. Should things go left with the new arrangement, all three men will be killed by Noma’s crazy henchmen.
Not to mention, Prosecutor Sullivan (Paton Ashbrook) shared that she currently has a confidential informant (C.I.) in the drug operation.
So, who is the C.I. on Power Book II: Ghost?
Here’s what we know.

Effie Morales
Who is the CI on 'Power Book II: Ghost'? Fans have theories.
It doesn’t look good for Effie Morales (Alix Lapri) as many social media users believe that she is the CI that Prosecutor Sullivan was talking about.
For starters, Effie snitched on Tariq in the past when they were students at Choate. Her actions caused Tariq to be expelled for dealing drugs on campus.
Tariq has since forgiven her since she says it was simply business, but some viewers have not.
Not to mention, social media users were in utter shock as we learned that Tariq’s ex-girlfriend Lauren Baldwin (Paige Audrey-Marie Hurd) is alive.

Effie Morales
Flashback to Season 2, Episode 9, Lauren was presumably killed by Effie after Brayden failed to get the job done.
During the trailer for Season 3, Effie is seen pushing a car down a cliff, which appears to be the same vehicle she abducted Lauren in.
Not only did Effie unsuccessfully get the job done as well, but Lauren is alive and currently being held in protective custody under Prosecutor Sullivan's control.
So, in the eyes of Power viewers, these new circumstances make Effie look very guilty.
On the flip side, the writers may have already told us who the CI is on ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ back in Season 2.
Some viewers have been scratching their heads in confusion since Effie is catching major heat online.
If you remember, someone already came forward saying that they would inform on Tariq’s drug operation — Cooper Saxe (Shane Johnson).

Cooper Saxe
In the Season 2 finale, Saxe decided that he had enough of Tariq, Cane, and Davis MacLean’s dirty ways and told Prosecutor Sullivan — who is also his girlfriend — that he would become an informant.
“If it means getting justice for Lauren and Carrie, I’ll help you,” Saxe tells Sullivan.
“You’re going to violate every part of your oath as an attorney … for me,” Sullivan says.
“It’s not about my law license,” Saxe says. “It’s about my life. If Davis or Cane Tejada or Tariq St. Patrick finds out that I’m informing on them, we both know I’m dead. And yeah, I’m doing it for you.”
Clearly, this is where we can rest our case. It looks like defense attorney Cooper Saxe is the informant.
However, since Power Book II: Ghost is filled with tons of twists and turns, there is a chance that there may be more than one informant. After all, Sullivan suffered a tough loss in the double murder trial against Tariq.

Jenny Sullivan and Copper Saxe
So, if Sullivan decides to aim at Tariq or anyone affiliated with him, she can’t miss. That said, she’ll need strong evidence to prove drug charges or much more a RICO charge.
With that in mind, it’s time to chill on the Effie informant talk. While she did snitch on Tariq in the past and has some explaining to do about Lauren, the jury is still out.
Catch new episodes of Power Book II: Ghost Fridays at 9 p.m. EST on Starz.