Who Is the Guy in the Twisted Tea Video? Sleuths Have Identified One of the Men

Updated Dec. 29 2020, 11:55 a.m. ET

The internet had no idea the gift it was about to receive on Christmas Eve 2020 — but now it will never be the same thanks to that viral Twisted Tea video. On Dec. 24, the clip featuring a Black man obliterating his can of spiked iced tea across the face of a racist white man started circulating via social media. Now, the question on everyone's mind is: Who are the guys in the Twisted Tea video?
But first, a little backstory is in order.
A Black man smashed Twisted Tea in the face of a white man who repeatedly taunted him with racial slurs.
In the video, a gentleman is seen waiting in line at a gas station as a seemingly inebriated white man verbally assaulted him. Viewers don't know what happened leading up to this point, but the drunk guy repeatedly used a racial slur while egging on the Black man to "smack" him with the can.
"What? You gonna smack me with that?" he taunted. "Smack me. Smack me, n---a!"

To his credit, the guy managed to keep his cool for longer than some people might — until he fumbled his Twisted Tea while trying to flip and catch it in his hand, and the drunk guy attempted to kick it, but missed. That's when he had evidently had enough; he smashed the Twisted Tea squarely onto the white man's head, resulting in an explosion of the carbonated beverage.
Once the white guy picked himself up off the floor, he proceeded to charge at the customer he was harassing — except the racist customer was promptly thrown back to the floor and pummeled.
It's unclear when, exactly, the incident took place. However, we do know the beatdown happened at a Circle K gas station in the city of Elyria, Ohio, near Cleveland.
The viral Twisted Tea video has since inspired an endless stream of memes, which mostly poke fun at the "weapon" of choice that took down the racist gas station customer.
So who is the guy in the Twisted Tea video?
So far, no "official" source has managed to identify who the Twisted Tea guys are. Elyria police Lt. James Welsh told The Chronicle-Telegram that he's watched the video and has an idea of who the men involved are — but he didn't share that bit of information.
”It has obviously gone viral on the internet, but to my knowledge it was never called in or reported,” Welsh said.
It didn't take long for internet sleuths (or perhaps, people who actually know the man and wanted to out him) to reveal the possible name of the white guy in the Twisted Tea video. One Twitter user posted a photo of the guy who took an unopened Twisted Tea to the face, but didn't include his name.
Not everyone shied away from revealing the guy's possible identity, though. It turns out the guy using racial slurs in the Twisted Tea video could be a man named Randy Teter.
Still, plenty of others wanted to know who the "hero" of the viral video is.
One Twitter user posted a photo of himself holding a Twisted Tea next to a man who resembles the "hero" at the gas station. Unfortunately, this person didn't manage to get the Twisted Tea guy's name. (Either that, or he didn't want to share it on a public forum.)
It seems people who are privy to the name of the other guy in the Twisted Tea video are hesitant to share it because they don't want him to face legal repercussions for the beatdown. So it looks like we'll just have to wait until either he outs himself, or until sleuths (or people who know him) publicly circulate his identity.
In the meantime, we're going to keep scrolling for more Twisted Tea memes — the gifts that keep on giving.