Fans Are Very Disappointed With the New Alexis on 'Dynasty'

Updated April 26 2019, 9:01 a.m. ET

Who is the new Alexis on Dynasty for 2019?
It’s no surprise that avid fans of the show are on the fence about the new Alexis Carrington, but there’s more to it than just their loyalty to Nicollette Sheridan as the baddie with the huge hat.
After Nicollette left the show unexpectedly, the producers had a very unorthodox way of replacing her and Dynasty diehards are finding it just a tad unbelievable.
As of Nicolette's final episode in March, Alexis was pushed face-first into the fireplace by her son Adam (talk about a "heated" duel) causing severe burns. The burns were so bad that although Alexis survived, she needed some major reconstructive surgery. That same son that did this to her also decided that she should have a completely different face, none other than that of her own daughter Fallon.
Yes folks, Elizabeth Gillies is now the new Alexis but still the old Fallon. It all makes sense actually, since Adam hinted to the plastic surgeons that his mother would have liked to “shave off a few years”. Clearly, this is a mother-son relationship NOT to be envied.
Confused? Well, this is what happens when a character is so iconic that producers will do anything to not write them out altogether... anything at all. And if in addition to your state of shock you’re feeling a little Dynasty deja vu, it’s probably because there was an oddly similar switch prior to this one.

Think not that far back to Season 1 when Ana Brenda Contreras replaced Nathalie Kelley as Cristal Flores Carrington. This is was the first but evidently not the last of this kind of bizarre turn of events. Needless to say Dynasty likes to keep leaving fans open-mouthed and hungry for more surprises.
Elizabeth Gillies tweeted asking the Dynasty fandom about their thoughts on the swap. Although she did get lots of mixed feedback on that particular revelation, there was a more pressing matter that consumed the majority of her followers.
The highly-anticipated Fallon/Liam reunion seemed to have distracted most viewers from feeling some sort of way about the new Alexis, and that quickly became the recurring theme in fan’s tweets:

Why did Nicolette Sheridan leave?
TVLine reported that Nicollette released a statement that detailed the reason why she's leaving Dynasty:
"Working on the Dynasty reboot and reprising the iconic role of Alexis has been thoroughly enjoyable, but the chance to spend precious time with my terminally ill mother is more important to me right now. I am profoundly grateful to Mark Pedowitz (The CW) and David Stapf (CBS) for graciously allowing me to return to Los Angeles to be with her, and I wish them and everyone associated with the show nothing but continued success. I am hopeful that my fans will embrace my successor with as much passion as they embraced me.”
The few fans that stayed on topic and ARE criticizing the reboot’s change-up say that this move was not only unrealistic but a mockery of Nicollette's perfect portrayal of this treasured villain, but Nicollette will have none of that! She told TvLine surrounding the news of her permanent leave, “I am hopeful that my fans will embrace my successor with as much passion as they embraced me."
We have yet to see how this odd decision plays out, but we do know that Elizabeth has a lot to live up to following the footsteps of not only Nicollette Sheridan but the original Alexis Colby Carrington, played by Joan Collins in the '80s.
This scheming character that fans love to hate is once again resurrected and only time will tell if she’ll meet or even exceed her fan’s expectations or end the character’s legacy for good.
Fans of the old-school Dallas wouldn't really find a problem with Dynasty's turn, far-fetched storylines are nothing new. I mean it's not every day a series retcons an entire season by saying it was all a dream.
How do you think fans will react to the new Alexis? I personally think if you're a fan of soap-operas, then you'll love the fact that they handled a change in actresses with "plastic surgery." So excellent.
Watch the new Alexis on Dynasty Fridays at 8 p.m. on the CW.