These Are the Leading Theories as to Who Screamed at Rebecca Ferguson on Set
Though she was vague, the internet is intent on hunting down who screamed at Rebecca Ferguson on set.

Published Feb. 29 2024, 6:38 p.m. ET

Though the internet is filled with plenty of drama between celebrities and A-listers, it's not often an actor confesses to a bad experience with another. Whether it's professionalism or trying to protect their own privacy, these moments aren't commonplace.
Which is why when Dune actress Rebecca Ferguson told Josh Smith on the Reign podcast that a co-star screamed at her on the set of a film within the last 10 to 12 years, the internet was quick to try and narrow down who did it.
Rebecca Ferguson shared that one actor "screamed" at her while filming a movie.
During her interview with Josh, Rebecca was intentionally not using gendered pronouns or any other clues that could give away the identity of the mystery actor. She admitted, though, that the actor's harsh words made her walk off set crying before she stood up to them.

“I did a film with an absolute idiot of a co-star and this human being was being so insecure and angry because this person couldn’t get the scenes out,” she told Josh. “And I think I was so vulnerable and uncomfortable that I got screamed at and I would cry walking off set.”
Though she did not name names, she did reveal that this "idiot of a co-star" was at the top of the call sheet, drastically narrowing down the possible candidates.
“This person would literally look at me in front of the whole crew and say, ‘You call yourself an actor? This is what I have to work with?’" she recounted. "There was no safety net for me. No one had my back.”
Even when Rebecca did stand up to her co-star, telling them “You get off my set. You can F off... I never want to see you again,” she said the producers told her she couldn't speak to them like that.
"We have to let this person be on set," she was told.
“And I said, ‘The person can turn around and I can act to the back of the head,’" Rebecca continued. "And I did. I was so scared. I feel it now when I’m saying it.”
Thankfully, the director later admitted that this actor was "unstable," though again, she wouldn't name who they were.

Ryan Reynolds, Rebecca Ferguson, and Jake Gyllenhaal promoting 'LIfe'
Who screamed at Rebecca Ferguson on set? The internet has its guesses.
Let's start with who we know this actor isn't.
For starters, in the interview, Rebecca clarified that it was not her Mission Impossible co-star Tom Cruise, nor was it Greatest Showman actor Hugh Jackman. Furthermore, Emily Blunt's team has already put out a statement, claiming “Rebecca and Emily are friends and there’s nothing but love between them."
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson also tweeted his support of Rebecca, replying to the clip on Twitter, "Hate seeing this but love seeing her stand up to bulls--t. Rebecca was my guardian angel sent from heaven on our set. I love that woman. I’d like to find out who did this."
So who does that leave? Well, not that many people, but the internet is full of sleuths who are eager to deduce the answer to this mystery.
One Twitter user states that it "has to be Hugh Grant," based on who's ruled out.
"He’s the only one where she doesn’t have any press photos/red carpet photos next to him," the user continued. "She has multiple photos with [Michael] Fassbender and Jake Gyllenhaal."
That said, some suspect it was actually Jake Gyllenhaal, citing his comments to the press while promoting Life in 2017.
"It seems to me that anybody feels they can be an actor nowadays,” he told The Guardian at the time, citing his self-proclaimed unique dedication to getting into every character he plays.
At this time, who actually yelled at Rebecca is still just speculation, though the internet is bound to figure it out sooner or later.