'Extraction' Viewers Just Want to Know Who the Guy at the End Is (SPOILERS)

Updated April 25 2020, 3:00 p.m. ET

If you're a fan of action flicks, then there's a good chance that Netflix's Extraction starring Chris Hemsworth is high on your list of ways-to-pass-the-quarantine films.
In it, Chris plays a mercenary by the name of Tyler Rake who's been hired by an Indian gangster to rescue his son from a Bengali drug lord.
While the film employs a familiar action movie trope, it approaches it in a novel way, which is encapsulated by one question surrounding the film's finale: who was the guy at the end?
CAUTION, there are major spoilers regarding the film's final plot detailed below.

So, was the guy at the end of 'Extraction?'
So here's what went down: Tyler is led to believe that Saju in Bangledesh betrayed Ovi Mahajan Sr. (the boy's dad) and kidnapped the kid because he's a nefarious, ne'er-do-well. As it turns out, however, Saju cared about Ovi Jr. and wanted to protect the boy after all. Ovi Sr. planned to have his son extracted by Tyler for a large sum of money.
If Ovi Sr.'s plan went ahead without a hitch, then that would certainly be the case. He gave Tyler the first half of his payment at the top of the job and told him that the rest would be delivered once his son was brought back to him alive. The thing is, he didn't have enough cash for the second installment and planned to just kill Tyler the second his son was delivered to him. Straight gangster stuff.

If Ovi Sr.'s plan went ahead without a hitch, then that would certainly be the case. He gave Tyler the first half of his payment at the top of the job and told him that the rest would be delivered once his son was brought back to him alive. The thing is, he didn't have enough cash for the second installment and planned to just kill Tyler the second his son was delivered to him. Straight gangster stuff.
The film's teeming with a bunch of action sequences, and director Sam Hargrave certainly saves the best for last. Once Tyler discovers that he was being playing by Ovi Sr., he contacts Saju and devises a plan to get both him and Ovi Jr. out of the region alive. Their immediate nemesis in the area is Asif, which is who Tyler has a big shootout with at the end.
But the gun fight is really just smoke and mirrors so Ovi Jr. and Saju can cross the bridge and be free of Asif's influence.
Does Chris Hemsworth die at the end of 'Extraction'?
Once Asif realizes that there's something afoot, he decides to send troops to the bridge where a traffic jam has forced Ovi Jr. and Saju to make the rest of the escape on foot. Some suspicious police officers, and gang members of Asif's end up getting into a fire fight with Saju, who ends up dying saving Ovi Jr.'s life. The young man is forced to make the escape all on his own.

Tyler sees what's going on, and makes his way to the bridge, killing all of the baddies on the way, with plenty of assistance from Rik. Just when you think that Tyler's in the clear, however, some young bad guy shoots him in the back, Farhad. Tyler falls off the bridge and into the river below, strongly implying that the leading man died.
Will there be an 'Extraction 2'?
Well, you'd think he's dead if you didn't see the movie's final, final moments. Ovi resumes school life back in Mumbai, but it's kind of hard for him to maintain interest after, you know, the entire drug kidnapping debacle.
Asif just resumes his illegal business, until he's shot in the head by none other than Rik. Sorry bro.
Then we see another shot of Ovi who is jumping into a pool the same exact way Tyler jumped off a cliff in the beginning of the movie.

When Ovi comes out of the water, we see the outline of a figure standing from a little ways out from the swimming pool, watching Ovi and it sure as heck looks like Tyler. So is the mercenary still alive? Probably. Throughout all of Extraction, both the characters and the script are fixated on confirming someone's death. Whether it's a shot of someone's face whenever they're killed to let the audience know they're dead for good, or Asif not being sold on Tyler and Ovi perishing in an explosion.
The emotional side plot of Tyler's guilt-ridden-death-wish that occurred as a result of his own son's passing is resolved when Tyler ends up developing a relationship with Ovi and now that Saju's dead and Ovi Sr. is in prison, there really isn't anyone to care for the young man. So there's a good chance Tyler's going to do everything in his power to "come back from the dead" to protect the boy that give him a reason to live again.
While an Extraction 2 isn't confirmed, it's evident that Chris Hemsworth had a blast shooting the movie and it gives him a chance to do something other than playing Thor in the Marvel universe, which is time-consuming, super high stakes endeavors. Not that he isn't amazing as the God of Thunder, but it's cool to see him in an awesome straight action flick like Extraction.
Would you want to see another? Or does that depend on whether or not the guy at the end was Tyler Rake?