The Internet Agrees Cersei Will Probably Die on 'Game of Thrones' — But Who Will Kill Her?

Updated April 29 2019, 9:08 p.m. ET

As the saying goes in the Seven Kingdoms, all men must die, and that's certainly been apparent throughout the past seven seasons of Game of Thrones. We've seen dozens of characters meet their end in some gruesome ways, and even at times found ourselves delighting when a particularly heinous villain gets their just desserts.
I'm not proud of it, but I get a thrill and a warm feeling when I think about Petyr Baelish's comeuppance. And I also know I'm not the only GoT fan looking forward to the almost certain death of Cersei Lannister.
For years, the Queen has topped Arya Stark's kill list, and now that the Night King has been killed by Arya Stark (sorry, spoiler alert), it looks like Cersei is next. With so many people eager to take her out, it seems to be only a matter of time before one succeeds.
So, who will kill Cersei?
While the outcome of this season is a tightly guarded secret, that isn't stopping fans from speculating how some major plot threads will be tied up. And the future as it pertains to Cersei is definitely one of the major topics of discussion. There are two dominant camps — Team Jaime and Team Arya — though some other compelling, if less popular, theories are also in the mix.
Theory 1: Jaime kills Cersei

The Kingslayer becomes the Queenslayer? The predominant theory about how Cersei will meet her end is attached to the prophecy told to her by Maggy the Frog, who already correctly predicted all of Cersei's children would die before her. The theory Jaime will do his sister in comes from this line from the prophecy: "And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.
"Valonqar" is the High Valyrian word for "little brother," so Cersei has always assumed Tyrion was the person this line alludes to. It's one of the many reasons she hates the Imp. However, a few theories suggest Tyrion is actually the illegitimate son of Aerys "The Mad King" Targaryen. This would certainly explain Tywin's hatred of his youngest son, but it would also mean he's not necessarily the Valonqar Maggy spoke of.
Also, let's remember that prophecies tend to be vague by design, and Cersei was technically the firstborn, even if her twin came shortly after. Therefore, whether or not Tyrion is a secret Targaryen, Jaime could still technically be called her "little brother."
Theory 2: Arya kills Cersei

No two people in Westeros have a greater reason to hate Cersei than Arya and Sansa. They witnessed their father's execution at tender ages and know Cersei and her son, Joffrey, are responsible. Since the two worked together to take down Littlefinger, some fans on reddit propose they will team up again to take down their greatest foe.
Whether or not Sansa is involved, the prevailing Arya theory is sort of a Best of Both Words approach: wherein Arya kills Cersei while wearing Jaime's face. It's not 100 percent clear whether the Faceless Men can wear the faces of the living or if Jaime must die first to allow for this outcome. Either way, most fans who like Arya for the murder think she'll be masquerading as a Lannister man when she does.
Theory 3: Tyrion kills Cersei

You have to admit, it would be somewhat gratifying if Cersei met the very end she's spent her entire life waiting for and yet still managed to be blindsided. Tyrion definitely has plenty reason to hate his sister. I personally don't love this theory, but it would be adequately poetic.
Theory 4: The Hound kills Cersei
This theory is mostly upheld by fans who've been waiting in vain for "Cleganebowl." This fan theory stems from the rivalry between Sandor "The Hound" Clegane and his much MUCH older brother Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane. Folks had hoped when Cersei was arrested that she'd choose a trial by combat with the reanimated corpse that is The Mountain as her champion. The prediction was that The Faith Militant would put up The Hound as theirs, allowing Sandor to finally get revenge for the disfigurement and the years of abuse he suffered at his brother's hands.

This theory also fits in well enough with the "Valonqar" prophecy. After all, Maggy didn't specifically say it would be Cersei's younger brother.
Theory 5: Cersei will die in childbirth.
Another way Cersei may fulfill this portent is if "valonqar" refers to the youngest brother in the Lannister line. If she is indeed pregnant, and the child she's carrying is a boy, then his arrival could bring about her end, much as her mother died giving birth to Tyrion. To make things even more apt, some fans theorize that incest and/or alcoholism could cause her fetus to have dwarfism, just like the brother she hated her whole life.