The "Add Yours" Button on Instagram Lets You Add to a Convo — What if It Doesn't Work?

Published Aug. 31 2022, 6:30 p.m. ET
There are lots of little things you can do in an Instagram story. You can encourage folks to ask you questions, add music to events in your life, or even set up cute little quizzes for your followers to try for themselves. Less than a year ago, Instagram also added the "Add Yours" feature as an option for your stories. People all over the world can use the button to contribute to an ongoing story and be part of a conversation!
Or at least, they could if the button were working properly. Many users are complaining that the "Add Yours" button doesn't work for them right away. Why can't you use the "Add Yours" feature on Instagram and is there a way for you to fix this annoying little problem? Here's everything we know about this ongoing issue.
Why can't you use the "Add Yours" feature on Instagram?
Remember those old chain emails or tweets you would get that encouraged you to keep a chain going by sending it to others or retweeting it in 10 seconds? The "Add Yours" feature is a lot like that, minus the social anxiety–inducing curses that some would try to cast on you.
The "Add Yours" story sticker encourages other users to contribute stories based around a specific subject which they can then post on their own stories.
Have a favorite food in common with others? Add yours. Finding a community of hobbyists? Add yours. Have a specific picture that you want to share with fellow admirers? Add yours! With as many topics as there are out there for people to share in, you can come up with an "Add Yours" sticker for just about any of them and see just how many people share the same sentiment.
Unfortunately for many, the "Add Yours" button doesn't always work. For some, they can't add their own stories to the chain. For others, it just won't post properly as a story. There are several reasons why it might not be working and just as many potential solutions.
The first and most obvious is that you may need to update your Instagram app. That's as simple as diving into your app store of choice and seeing if there's an update available for Instagram that you can install.
Of course, that's a quick fix that isn't always available. The app might also be glitching strangely through no fault of your own. If that's the case, then another solution you could try is the time-honored "uninstall and reinstall" method. Yeah, we know it's annoying and time-consuming, but it's a pretty reliable quick fix to just about any issue that your apps tend to have. You can also try just logging out and logging back in again to see if the issue resolves itself between sessions.
No app is perfect and problems can arise at any given point. Luckily, for features like the "Add Yours" sticker, there are some catch-all solutions that could easily resolve your issues.