Jacksepticeye Seems to Have Unfollowed Markiplier on Twitter and the Internet Isn't Happy
"It was kinda like a bromance," Jacksepticeye commented. "Then it just went way too far." Did the internet ruin his friendship with Markiplier?

Published May 29 2024, 10:11 a.m. ET

Anyone with a social media account is familiar with that age-old struggle of getting unfollowed or unfriended by someone you know. One day, you're casually browsing and you double tap one of many posts that your online friend makes and they'll likely do the same for yours. The next, you suddenly stop seeing their posts and find out that your online connection has been cut off and you have no idea why. It can sting when it happens, but it sends ripples when two popular influencers go through it.
It can be exciting when two famous online personalities interact with each other in a big crossover event or even just like each other's posts from time to time. But eyebrows definitely raise whenever one happens to unfollow or unfriend the other. As such, YouTuber Jacksepticeye has been the talk of the town ever since he stopped following fellow influencer Markiplier on Twitter. Folks have been speculating about the reason why, but here's what we know so far about the sudden unfollow.

Jacksepticeye unfollowed Markiplier on Twitter, but why?
Jacksepticeye and Markiplier hardly need any introductions. Seán William McLoughlin (Jacksepticeye) is a popular gaming YouTuber with over 30 million subscribers on the platform. He's best known for his video game Let's Play series and comedy content.
In that same vein, Mark Edward Fischbach (Markiplier) has enjoyed similar popularity on YouTube with his horror game Let's Plays. He currently has even more subscribers than even Jacksepticeye at approximately 36 million.
The two of them have been longtime collaborators throughout their careers, having appeared in each other's videos and contributed to crossover content. They even co-founded a clothing brand together called Cloak back in 2018, suggesting that they still work with each other to this day.
So when people caught wind of Jacksepticeye unfollowing Markiplier on Twitter, it certainly raised some red flags. Reportedly, he also stopped following Cloak.
Almost immediately, people began speculating on the nature of the unfollow. On the r/Markiplier subreddit, one user suggested that some "beef" went down between them.
"Something definitely happened for him to go to the effort of clicking on Mark's profile and unfollowing," they wrote.
Folks on TikTok have also expressed shock and dismay at the news.
While no statements have been explicitly made on either side regarding the unfollow, many have theorized that no drama has taken place as it has with so many other influencers and that they simply drifted apart. Some have suggested that "the internet ruined their friendship" over time after fans continually depicted the two of them as being in a romantic relationship.
"They haven't talked or posted anything together in years," one Redditor suggested. "No beef that I can see. Time just happens."
Interestingly, Jacksepticeye has addressed how uncomfortable the "Septiplier" ship has made him in the past. In a 2023 interview with the Sad Boyz podcast, he opened up about how unsettled he became over the ship.
"It was kinda like a bromance," he commented. "Then it just went way too far."
Friendships deteriorate all the time and even influencers like Jackseptceye and Markiplier can go through it, but it's possible that the fan ship could be a contributing factor. As of this writing, Markiplier is still following Jacksepticeye.