Mary Miller Is No Longer on 'Port Protection,' but Why Did She Leave the Show?
She moved, and we don't know much beyond that.
Published Sept. 19 2024, 9:16 a.m. ET

The lifestyle that is documented on Port Protection is understandably fascinating to most Americans. The show takes place in a remote village in Alaska that is totally disconnected from the outside world. There are only 100 residents in the community, and no law enforcement, or roads to speak of.
One of the long-time fan favorites on the show was Mary Miller, a resident of the town who fans enjoyed watching in part because of her big personality. She is no longer on the show, and many want to know what happened.

Why did Mary Miller leave 'Port Protection'?
Mary left the show because she left the community that the show is about. She moved, and we don't know much beyond that. It's possible that she found the interruptions caused by the camera crew to be too much, or she simply wanted to find a way to live a life that had more comforts than those that could be provided in a place like Port Protection. Whatever her reasons, though, it seems she will no longer be on the show unless she decides to move back.
"Sad to see Mary Miller leave ... but I am sure it is best for her. Maybe she will visit in the future," one person wrote on Facebook.
"I'm from PA and I'm going to really miss her, but that's one life I couldn't even attempt, good luck Mary," another person added in the comments.
While we don't know what drove her to leave, it seems clear that most fans understand how brutal life can be in Port Protection.
Do the cast of 'Port Protection' get paid?
Money is probably worth a little bit less in the remote Alaska wilderness, but many have nonetheless wondered whether the people who participate in the show get paid for their time.
The show has been on since 2015, so it seems fair to say that if the cast does get paid, they ought to be pretty well off.
Some reporting has suggested that the members of the cast make $4,500 per episode, but there's been no substantiation of that claim. While plenty of reality TV endeavors exist to make the show's contestants wealthy, famous, or both, the residents of Port Protection are, almost by their very nature, living by a somewhat different set of rules.
That doesn't mean that they don't like attention or enjoy being on camera, but they live in one of the hardest parts of the world to survive in. As a result, money is not their ultimate motivation. They are foraging and hunting for their own food, and they are responsible for themselves in a way people in most places just are not.
If Mary was being paid to appear on the show, it seems like those payments were not enough justification for her to stay where she was. Fans will undoubtedly miss her as the show moves forward, but it's easy to understand why someone might want to move away from Point Protection.