Rip Deliberately Broke Lloyd's Hand in Season 4 of 'Yellowstone' — What's Going On?

Published Dec. 7 2021, 9:38 a.m. ET
The barrel racer girls continue to cause trouble over at the Dutton family ranch in Yellowstone.
Laramie (Hassie Harrison) started flirting with Lloyd Pierce (Forrie J. Smith) and Walker (Ryan Bingham) shortly after she first stepped foot on the vast expanses in Season 3, Episode 5 of Yellowstone. She ultimately chose Walker. What triggered the conflict? Why did Lloyd get his hand broken? How does Rip Wheeler (Cole Hauser) come into the picture?
Here are the casualties suffered in Season 4, Episode 6 of 'Yellowstone.'
Lloyd and Walker, the ex-prison convict with a flair for music, have been at odds with each other ever since the barrel racer girls first arrived at the ranch. Laramie courted Lloyd and Walker, ultimately humiliating Lloyd by choosing Walker.
The conflict comes to a head in Season 4, Episode 4. Lloyd and Walker get caught up in a brutal physical altercation, with Rip more or less playing pacifist by trying to break up the fight.

By the time Season 4, Episode 6 rolls around, the conflict has a political taint. After Lloyd stabs Walker in the chest — in case you can stomach additional details, yes, he nearly hit the artery — Rip and John Dutton (Kevin Costner) punish Lloyd.
First up, John has a heart-to-heart with the bad-tempered ranch hand. In all fairness, Lloyd made himself the target of a crackdown by breaking Walker's treasured guitar into tiny pieces. (And let's not forget about the stabbing.)
Why did Rip break Lloyd's hand at the end of Season 4, Episode 6 of 'Yellowstone'?
The next day, Rip presents for duty, using his work hours to supervise a pre-ordained fight between Lloyd and Walker. Although Walker is a few decades younger than Lloyd, he is the first to lose stamina.
In the end, he has to walk into the horse paddock and engage in a brief conversation with the excessively triumphant Lloyd before doing Walker's job for him. He doles out a few punches and proceeds to step on Lloyd's hand.
If there's one thing Yellowstone does unnecessarily well, it's the vivid portrayals of bodily harm. The hand-stepping scene is pretty shocking. In other words, you will shriek with sheer disgust when you see it. (The scenes featuring a hunger-stricken, aching Jimmy Hurdstrom (Jefferson White) can easily have a similar effect too.)
Longstanding fans of the show have differing opinions on the conflict between Lloyd and Walker. Some claim the barrel girls should be held accountable. Others believe that Walker should take another ride to the train station.
"Not loving the Lloyd/Walker storyline. Tired of Walker, take him to the train station," tweeted @CubeRobsSoul.
"It was wrong of Rip to go after Lloyd. Walker started it. He's been rubbing Lloyds nose in it since the blond jumped to Walker. Boot the girls out!" tweeted @PeggyMo60267664.
Catch new episodes of Yellowstone every Sunday at 8 p.m. EST on Paramount Network.