Shuli Egar Opens Up About Why He Left 'The Howard Stern Show' After 15 Years
Updated June 17 2021, 4:17 p.m. ET
Although The Howard Stern Show has been a fixture of many people's lives for decades, the show's support staff has varied quite a bit throughout that time. One regular personality on the show was Shuli Egar, who was certainly a polarizing figure among fans of Howard's show. Die-hard fans of the show may have noticed that Shuli is absent from recent episodes and wonder where he went.
Why did Shuli Egar leave 'The Howard Stern Show'?
In the middle of January, Shuli suddenly disappeared from The Howard Stern Show. As it turns out, Shuli was off the show for good, and he says that he quit in order to reprioritize his own life. Since leaving the show in January, Shuli has begun to produce and promote his own podcast called The Shuli Show.

In his first episode, Shuli offered a more in-depth explanation about his departure, saying that ultimately he decided to step away from the show for the sake of his mental health.
Shuli offered additional details, explaining that he was losing contact with his wife and daughter and wanted a quieter lifestyle after the events of this summer, including COVID-19 and the protests over racial injustice.
Additionally, the radio host told The Blast in March 2021, "I left the show because I felt it was time for me to stand on my own. As much as I love my time there, there was only so much I could do, and I want to do more, and now I am." Ultimately, Shuli decided to move to Alabama to find that quieter lifestyle.
"Moving to Alabama helped me get peace of mind that I couldn’t get in New York, and it was definitely a factor when it came time for me to decide to move on," he told the outlet.
After he moved, he was offered a part-time role with the show that would have required him to take a pay cut.
Shuli then asked if, given his move to part-time, he would be allowed to podcast or broadcast on the side. He was told that he would be able to but with certain restrictions. While he didn't want to trash-talk anyone, Shuli did want to discuss the 15 years of his life he'd spent working on The Howard Stern Show. After realizing that he wouldn't be able to speak freely, he spoke with his wife and ultimately decided to leave the show altogether.
So, how does Howard feel about Shuli leaving the company?
Shuli said: "I had numerous conversations with management about the move and they relayed back this information to Howard and everything was approved ahead of time. As far as a conversation about leaving the show, we spoke after I resigned and had a nice conversation where he gave me his blessings."
Shuli is promoting his own podcast now.
Shuli has hit the ground running and is now actively promoting The Shuli Show, which is funded at least in part through support that he receives from Patreon backers. The show doesn't have the same enormous audience that Howard Stern's show has acquired over its years on the air, but Shuli is putting all of his efforts behind it. Whether it ultimately becomes a success remains to be seen.