Taza Killed [SPOILER] on 'Mayans MC' for This Reason

Updated Nov. 5 2019, 7:26 p.m. ET

The Sons of Anarchy spinoff Mayans MC is nearing the end of Season 2, and in the biggest twist of the season, we watched Riz die. This loss of one of the main characters surprised everyone — and what was even more shocking was that his own friend Taza did it.
If you haven't already seen the episode, we'll catch you up to speed. Previously, after an attack by the Vatos Malditos, Riz and Coco were severely injured.
Coco had damage done to his face that could potentially leave him with vision issues for episodes to come, while Riz was in worse shape. After being shot multiple times, Riz was placed in a coma in the hospital, but looked as though he may recover.
Before we could find out if Riz would make it, though, Taza decided to do the unthinkable and block the breathing tube that Riz was dependent on to survive. Taza's last words to his comrade were, "I'm sorry brother."
This completely changes the course of the season finale, and we'll likely see it all pan out in the third season, which was just confirmed. But this dramatic turn of events leaves fans wondering: why did Taza kill Riz?
Warning: Season 2 spoilers ahead.
Why did Taza kill Riz on Mayans MC? It was likely to start a war against the Vatos Malditos.
At the time of Riz's hospitalization, the MC was discussing whether or not to wage a war against the Vatos Malditos in retaliation. The attack had injured their members and there were a few on the team who were ready to avenge their brothers.
One of those who was hungry for vengeance was Taza. He was ready to attack back, but he was one of few on the team who wanted the fight to continue.
At the time, the vote within the MC was against retaliating, leaving Taza and the others who wanted to strike back very upset. The reasoning was that while their members were injured, none of them were dead.
That is, until Taza changed that.
Taza likely killed Riz to insight the war, because if one of their own died because of the attack, they would have more reason to strike.
And it seems as though Taza got what he wanted, because after Riz's death, the team decided that it was time to wage war. It's not like the men to kill one of their own, so we'll have to see what consequences Taza faces when — or if — his team finds out.
Actor Antonio Jaramillo said goodbye to the show.
In a tweet posted to the Mayans MC account, Antonio said goodbye to the show and his fans. Antonio replied to the tweet, saying "Thanks to all da fans of #SOA and #MayansMC4 da #love boom!!"
We're glad that it seems Antonio is leaving on good terms. And who knows — maybe we'll see him again in Season 3 during a flashback.
Whatever the case, there's a storm brewing for the group in Season 3, and we're anxious to see what the season finale holds.