Spam Accounts Keep Tagging People on Facebook, and Those People Aren't Thrilled
Spam on Facebook seems almost inevitable, which is unfortunate for those who use the platform regularly.
Updated May 7 2024, 11:14 a.m. ET

When Facebook first launched well over 15 years ago, the social media seemed like a great way to connect with people remotely. As the social media landscape has become more crowded, many younger people have left Facebook behind in favor of other platforms, but Facebook still has the largest user base among its competitors.
As the service has degraded, though, some users have noticed that they are getting tagged in more and more spam. Now, they want to better understand why they're being tagged, and whether there's anything they can do to stop it.

Why do I keep getting tagged in spam on Facebook?
Facebook spam has become more and more common, and users are reaching a sort of dead end when it comes to addressing it. The problem seems to have become particularly severe for some users in May of 2024, with many getting inundated by spam accounts that tag them. These users are finding that, even when they report the posts and their associated accounts, they are flooded by more and more notifications.
This inundation can be difficult to deal with, and many don't understand why it's happening. The exact reasons for the spam likely vary, but for the most part, these tags are designed to get you to click on a link for one reason or another.
These links are designed either to infect your computer with some sort of virus or scam you into buying a phony product. They're cheap, easily replicable moneymaking schemes.
Many people are getting tagged in breastfeeding videos.
The most recent trend on the platform is spam accounts that tag users in breastfeeding videos. It's unclear why these spam accounts are directing people toward these videos, but the safest thing to do is to just ignore them.
If you like being on Facebook, you may have to deal with this influx of spam from time to time, as it's unclear whether the company is able to fully prevent it from happening.
Many people have a simple fix for getting rid of spam on Facebook.
If you inquire into these spam issues on the internet, the most common advice you're likely to get is from people who suggest that you simply delete Facebook from your life altogether.
While the platform may have emerged as a place for people to connect with one another, it doesn't take long for people to find ways to manipulate one another on any new platform.
As a company, Meta seems incapable of preventing its users from getting mobbed by these kinds of spam attacks. If you need Facebook to stay connected to those in your life, you should absolutely keep using it.
Unfortunately, continuing to use Facebook comes with the risk that every few months, you're going to be inundated with notifications that you have no desire to look at. It's the price you pay for being on the platform, and it's one that isn't going away anytime soon.