Players Are Reporting That 'Just Cause 4' Keeps Crashing on PC
Updated April 18 2020, 9:46 a.m. ET

If, like much of the world, you downloaded Just Cause 4 as one of the free Epic Games Store titles, you may be running into a few problems here and there. It's frustrating, but there's a whole host of people who just can't get the game to actually load. That's a total bug, having your brand new, free game crashing when you just got it — especially while practicing social distancing. So how do you go about fixing it? Worry not, stressed out gamers, because there's a way.
This crashing issue is plaguing users on PC (the Epic Games Store is the only place to get the game for free right now), so you'll have to be a bit crafty if you want to finally jump in-game. There's a bit of a temporary way to get the issue resolved, but it's possible there may simply be an easy fix on the way from developer Avalanche very soon to make this a thing of the past. For now, here's what you can do so you can get your game on and kick off the weekend right.

So how can you keep 'Just Cause 4' from crashing on PC?
If you're going to open up Just Cause 4 and you keep having the game crash, there's currently a very simple fix that may get you up and running — even if only temporarily. According to more observant players on Reddit, disconnecting your computer from the internet (via wired or Wi-Fi connection) may very well let you jump online without an immediate crash. This might throw a wrench in your plans to multitask, but it could prevent you from a lot of frustration, too.
The reason this connectivity issue is happening could be related to how many people have been downloading the game for free as of late from the Epic Games Store. Right now, developer Avalanche is gathering information about users' computer specs and Epic Games Store account via Reddit in an effort to figure out what's going on. It hasn't been confirmed just yet that the internet connectivity issue is the main problem, but it's still worth disconnecting as a resolution just in case.
If you do have to play the game offline, you won't miss out on a multiplayer mode or miss out on any important features. The game is meant to be played solo, as it's an open-world sandbox adventure where you explore a massive area with a wingsuit. There are even extreme weather physics to contend with, such as tornados and lightning storms. You never know what's going to happen while you're running around. That's part of the game's appeal, after all.
But not being able to play Just Cause 4 is certainly annoying for many right now. Hopefully in the coming days these crashes are resolved and everyone can enjoy their freebie while spending all this newfound free time in their home. There's nothing like a massive sandbox game to cure the desire to get out there and see the world.