There's A Good Reason Link Feeds Rhett Strawberries on 'Good Mythical Morning'
Updated July 9 2020, 11:54 a.m. ET

You're probably familiar with Good Mythical Morning, a popular YouTube show hosted by Rhett and Link, as it's been running for quite some time. But there are things even the most die-hard fans aren't sure about, even after all this time.
Case in point: Why does Link seem to feed Rhett strawberries at random? That may be a peculiar question, but we've got all the answers here to make this question make sense because Mythical Beasts around the world are asking.
Rhett and Link often get up to some interesting experiments on Good Mythical Morning, like trying out "food crimes" such as peanut butter, onion, and cheese sandwiches. They also dunk things in a jar for a month, like eggs and fruit. That's actually what lead to this fun running joke that happens over the course of so many of the duo's episodes.
Get ready, Beasts, and let's dive into what went into making this question trend on the internet. Why would they feed each other anyway? Here's why.

Why does Link randomly feed Rhett strawberries?
We promise there's a totally legitimate explanation for this one. It's actually a running joke. In a past episode of Good Mythical Morning from January 8, 2019, called "Leaving Things In Champagne For A Month," the pair soaked a variety of objects, yes, in champagne for a month. Among the items selected were —you guessed it —strawberries!.
Link takes several juicy strawberries out of a bowl and slowly feeds them to Rhett so he can taste the difference when he tries a champagne-drenched fruit.

The Mythical Team asked if the strawberry would "turn into a red pulpy mess" or "turn white but stay solid" after being soaked in champagne. Link noted that he had to feed Rhett strawberries to "keep Rhett happy." Obviously, it was a joke to keep things fun, but that hasn't kept Link from returning to it as a callback over the course of several other episodes, and fans are excited to see it happen over and over again. Because what's not to like, right?
Ever since that episode, the pair have been cutting up with more silliness with similar "feeding" moments, and as the show wears on, we'll probably end up hearing more of it between them. But has there ever been something as sensual and as attractive as Rhett eating strawberries on camera? Apparently that's something many viewers agree with.
All kidding aside, now you know exactly what this particular joke is referencing the next time you watch Good Mythical Morning.

Next time you watch Good Mythical Morning, be sure to watch out for one of these moments. You never know when you'll be able to use your useless Mythical Beast knowledge to win a trivia contest or impress your friends with all the facts you've retained over the years.
Also, you've got to admit it's a cute friend moment.