Your Instagram Story Says "No One Has Seen This Yet" Due to This Reason

Published Jan. 4 2022, 5:06 p.m. ET

Let’s be honest: Over the last few months, Instagram glitches have become a common occurrence. From your feed not refreshing to not being able to add music to stories, users have had it up to here. And unfortunately, it turns out there's another problem with the app, thanks to the Instagram Story message that reads: "No one has seen this yet."
Aside from posting photos and videos on their feeds, users turn to Instagram Stories for a multitude of reasons, whether that’s for marketing new business practices, connecting with loved ones, or boosting engagement. Now that users have no way of gauging the audience they've reached, it poses a major problem. Why are Instagram Story views not showing up? Here’s what we know.

Instagram appears to be dealing with another glitch.
It’s not news that Instagram has seen its fair share of glitches, but this is expected with any app. However, once one issue is taken care of, it seems like another one pops up out of thin air. And that’s been the case with Instagram Stories views as of late.
Stories appear to be posted on the app as normal, but once users click the icon to see who’s viewed their content, a black screen pops up with the message “No one has seen this yet.” HITC reports that the cause of this misstep is due to a glitch, even though the Instagram Support Team has yet to address the issue.
As you can imagine, Instagram users have taken to Twitter to get some answers. Many users are trying to see if they’re the only one experiencing this issue, while others are wondering why the problem doesn't seem to be a priority for Instagram Support.
You may need to restart your phone or redownload the app to fix the problem.
Until Instagram decides to acknowledge the issue at hand, it’s time for users to be proactive. In an effort to restore order to your Instagram Stories, kick things off by turning off your phone and restarting it again. Then, open up the app and see if you’re able to view who's watched your story.
For folks who are still struggling, you can try to temporarily delete the app off of your phone. Redownload Instagram and open the app to see if the problem has been resolved.
If neither of these steps have helped, the only thing left to do is to play the waiting game for a few hours. By then, hopefully the glitch should be fixed.