Here's Why Your 'Overwatch 2' Application Keeps Crashing and How to Fix It
Published Oct. 27 2022, 4:51 p.m. ET

Overwatch 2 has been live for a few weeks now, and though fans are still flocking to the online shooter, some Overwatch players have been having issues with the game. Once common issue is Overwatch 2 frequently crashing.
For those not in the know, Overwatch 2 is the much anticipated sequel to the first Overwatch game, which launched back in 2016 and instantly had a loyal crowd of players. Overwatch 2 has a new free-to-play pricing model, and the development team has made several changes to the game resulting in a few issues with the Overwatch 2 experience.

Though Overwatch 2 is no way unique for having its players put up with a certain amount of crashes, it seems that the game is particularly unstable after the Overwatch 2 launch. Though crashes are a common issue, there usually isn't one single cause — crashes can be due to a variety of factors including system requirements, settings, and RAM issues.
Why does 'Overwatch 2' keep crashing?
For starters, Blizzard's Battle Net website has a solid list of common problems and crash errors to look over, which may help some Overwatch 2 players solve their crashing problem. Otherwise, here's a list of a few things that you can do to resolve crashing issues in Overwatch 2.
One of the more common issues with Overwatch 2 is having to update graphics drivers to make sure the game can run properly. Luckily, updating graphics drivers is pretty simple task; the following websites share steps to update your drivers depending on which graphics card you have.

Another thing to be concerned about when it comes to Overwatch 2 crashing is the integrity of the game files — a corrupted game file maybe preventing Overwatch 2 from running properly. To address this, simply head to Blizzard's client and left click on Overwatch 2. From here you'll be able to select the scan and repair option, which will hopefully resolve your Overwatch 2 crashing problem.
Lastily, you can check your graphics settings and close other applications in an attempt for Overwatch 2 to generally run smoother. A common issue faced by most PC gamers is the dreaded system requirements; if you're just on the border of meeting them, you may need to use some fancy foot work and adjust your settings to hopefully run the game.
Higher graphics require more power, so you may need to head to your graphics settings. Once you lower them, the game may run more smoothly, even if it doesn't look as detailed as before.
The next option is to consider what your PC is already running by accessing your task manager. To do this, start by pressing your control, shift, and escape keys at the same time to bring up the task manager. From here you'll be able to monitor which applications are taking up the most RAM and adjust from there until hopefully Overwatch 2 has enough access to enough RAM to run smoothly.