'House of the Dragon' Fans Think They Spotted the Night King in Daemon's Vision
The Night King in 'Game of Thrones' was portrayed by two different actors.

Updated Aug. 6 2024, 12:09 p.m. ET

The overall reaction to the House of the Dragon Season 2 finale is not positive, but it has its moments. Mainly, when Daemon gets a vision about the Dance of the Dragons and the future when he presses his hand to the Weirwood tree. He takes the vision to mean that "winter is coming" and that this war is just a small part of what's to come. However, he also gets a glimpse of the Night King. Or, what appears to be the Night King, anyway.
Viewers couldn't help but notice that the Night King in House of the Dragon looks vastly different than the one they came to know and loathe in Game of Thrones. So, what's the deal? And is Daemon actually the Night King? Say what you will about the Season 2 finale, but it definitely gave birth to some big questions about the future within the show's universe.

Why does the Night King look different in 'House of the Dragon'?
Though some fans wondered why the Night King looks different in House of the Dragon, they might be mistaken on one key element — the White Walker they're referring to may not be the Night King at all. There is a white-haired White Walker in the middle of a pack of White Walkers in Daemon's vision, but he isn't necessarily the Night King himself.
And if he isn't supposed to actually be the Night King, then it makes sense why he doesn't look like the same one fans saw on Game of Thrones. In the after episode breakdown on Max, Matt Smith, who plays Daemon, mentions Daemon seeing White Walkers in his vision, but there isn't a mention of the Night King.
Changing actors on fans is nothing new for the Game of Thrones franchise, though. Two different actors portrayed the Night King throughout the course of the series. Although the Night King wasn't likely even in House of the Dragon, a different actor in the Night King makeup isn't out of the ordinary for one of these shows.
Is Daemon the Night King?
When Daemon sees the vision, which includes Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne, he kneels for her and pledges to her in a way he hadn't before. Seeing the White Walkers and his own death in the war humbled him quite a bit. But did he also see himself as one of the White Walkers? It has been a theory among some fans that Daemon is not only a future White Walker, but also the Night King.

However, if you watched the original series, you might remember that the Children of the Forest created the Night King when they drove a piece of Dragonglass through his chest. In the books, the Night King was a Commander of the Night's Watch before he was turned into the Night King. And, as we know, Daemon is nowhere near The Wall at any point.