If Your TikTok Videos Are Showing Zero Views, Here's Why

Updated July 9 2020, 5:58 p.m. ET

There's nothing more devastating than posting a video to TikTok and checking up on it 20 minutes later only to find it hasn't been seen by anybody. Really? Zero views? Between your respectable amount of followers, and the infamous For You Page algorithm, there's absolutely no way your video went completely unseen by the entire TikTok population. But luckily, we know exactly why it's showing up that way.
If you, too, are dying to know why your latest TikTok video has zero views, we found an explanation... and thankfully, it's a completely fixable issue.

Why does my latest TikTok video have zero views?
Down Detector, which picks up on issues and outages for online services, has recorded thousands of reports detailing a TikTok glitch on Thursday, July 9, according to Express UK. About 88 percent of users — especially in the U.K., U.S., and large parts of Europe — are reporting their video views and "like counts" have been removed from the app, making it appear as though nobody has seen or liked their video. Others are reporting uploading issues. Needless to say, it's an influencer's nightmare.
Many worry that this "glitch" is actually the early stages of TikTok's shutdown, which the White House indicated could potentially happen in the U.S., after it was banned in India earlier in July 2020. However, the TikTok Support Twitter account addressed the issue, saying: "Hi TikTok community! We're aware that some users are experiencing app issues – working to quickly fix things, and we'll share updates here!" So it seems like that isn't the problem.
Diehard TikTok users are in a panic right now.
Obviously, dedicated TikTokers are in a tizzy right now. Twitter user @ghaoui278 said: "GUYS what's going on tiktok there's 0 likes 0 views 0 shares only comments can anyone tell me what's happening :/." Twitter user @chris_chance_@tiktok_us also asked: "what's going on with the app? Woke up to a bunch of my vids having 0 views and likes. #TikTok #TiktokBan." Clearly, this has been taking a serious toll on TikTok users across the globe.
Will the views and likes be restored?
It seems as though TikTok has already taken actions to fix these issues. Twitter user @24hrsmadeit updated their followers, saying "tiktok has a glitch where the views and likes were all 0 and people thought tiktok was getting removed so everyone went live incase it was but it’s all good now." So, it sounds like the app has successfully restored the views and likes on all TikTok videos.
Apparently, this isn't the first time this has happened. A Digi Help Desk article from June 2020 delves into how to fix the bug, while a Reddit thread from October 2019 speculates what happened when a user noticed their likes and views were wiped. Needless to say, it doesn't seem like this is foreshadowing a TikTok shutdown, it's simply a semi-regular glitch.
TikTok users can breathe a sigh of relief — the great TikTok glitch of July 2020 seems to be fixed at long last.