Everyone Is Skipping School on December 2, but Why?
Updated Nov. 14 2019, 2:40 p.m. ET

What's going on here? Well, that's what we're trying to find out. There's a rumor going around the internet that kids are skipping school on Dec. 2, and we're over here just trying to figure out why. Some of us have heard of Senior Skip Day, but why is this date so significant? And is it just for seniors?
Well, apparently all this buzz about ditching school right after Thanksgiving has something to do with the popular app TikTok. Scroll down for everything we know!
Why is everyone skipping school on Dec. 2?
So over the past few weeks, there have been a plethora of videos of teens on TikTok where they're encouraging other users to skip school on that Monday with them. In case you don't know what TikTok is, it's the app that allows iOS and Android users to create and share lip-sync, comedy, and talent videos. It's honestly quite entertaining and addicting.
The bizarre initiative has gone viral since late October. The hashtag #december2 has seen 559,400 views, while the hashtag #2December has received a whopping 2.2 million on the app.
The crazy clips start off with text saying, "Have you heard?" and "Did you hear?" that everyone is skipping school on Dec. 2. Some include commentary from the person, and a lot of them have the cold-face emoji and random songs playing in the background. All still super weird with an unclear motive..
So for now, we still don't know why Dec. 2 was chosen as a day to universally skip school, but it's sure as hell making itself known. In fact, there's a definition for it on Urban Dictionary already.
"Top Definition of National Skip School Day:
Sammy: Are you going to school on December 2?
Kaelei: Hell no. Everyone is skipping because it’s national skip school day."
All still very interesting. At this time, it's unclear if this day is limited to just seniors, all high-schoolers, college students, or perhaps all the above.
Maybe they're skipping school for Cyber Monday, but that's a long shot for teens who probably don't really care about holiday shopping. Or maybe they'll be so full from Thanksgiving a few days prior?
Truthfully, we're curious to see how many kids actually build up the guts to skip school on Dec. 2 and if this is actually a thing. We'd be really impressed if this goes worldwide.
We guess we'll have to stay attached to our TikTok app that day. And perhaps we should get a National Skip Work Day going...