Is Your SAT Score Stuck in “Pending” Limbo? You’re Not Alone!

Updated Oct. 16 2020, 2:34 p.m. ET

Although pretty much every aspect of normal, everyday life looks a bit different these days, some things remain frustratingly consistent. Students are still expected to show up to school, even if that class is being held virtually. Teachers are still expected to manage their classes of 30+ students, even if that can only happen via a computer screen. It’s such a weird mix of normal expectations within extremely not-normal circumstances that it’s kind of amazing that anyone is able to keep it up.
Another example of this is the fact that many students who want to attend college have to take the SAT and then wait impatiently for their results, which could determine whether they get into their dream school. Right now, a bunch of students are stuck in a weird limbo where their SAT scores are pending — super annoying! If you’re in this position, here’s what you need to know.

Why is my SAT score pending?
Usually, SAT scores are viewable online about two weeks after you take the test — your score for the non-essay portion should be available about 13 days after you take the test, and essay scores should be available after 15 days. That means that if you take your SAT on a Saturday (this is when most students take their test), you should be able to check your scores on the following Friday.
Students who took their fall SAT in late September or Early October of 2020 should, therefore, be able to view their scores now. Unfortunately, many students have received word that their scores are “pending.” Obviously, since the SAT is such an important test for so many students, people are worried about what that means.

First of all, don’t panic! If your score is pending, it most likely has nothing to do with you specifically. It doesn’t mean that you failed or that there’s anything wrong with your test. The SAT deals with delays in results every year — 2020 just happens to be especially fraught with issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of people are stuck in SAT score limbo, and it doesn’t look as though College Board is being particularly forthcoming with information about the delay. Judging by their Twitter updates, anyway, they’re basically acting like it’s all business as usual and insisting scores are being distributed according to plan.
We know it’s probably not what you want to hear, but there isn’t anything you can do to expedite your scores becoming available. Sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but hopefully that means you can try to relax a bit and not feel as much pressure! Your scores will become available eventually, both to you and to the colleges you requested, if applicable.
In the meantime, double-check to make sure that you’re receiving emails from College Board, as this is how you’ll be notified when your scores become available. You can also sign up for text updates if you live in the U.S. and want another way of staying up-to-date.
Hang in there!