Senator Raskin's New Style Is Turning Heads, but There's a Reason for It

Published Feb. 16 2023, 8:33 a.m. ET

In recent footage of Congressional hearings, Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-08), has been wearing a scarf or handkerchief on his head. Many of the people watching at home want to know why Raskin is wearing a scarf. While many would say that the fact he has cancer is an easy answer to that very question, others believe that because he’s a man, he wouldn’t need to wear a head covering because many men lose their hair anyway.
However, that isn't a very fair assumption, and as we dig deeper into Raskin’s newest head coverings during Congress hearings, we’ve learned more about his cancer diagnosis, his wife, and his latest fashion during this difficult time.

Congressman Raskin is wearing a scarf on his head to deal with the effects of chemotherapy from his cancer.
On Dec. 28, 2022, Raskin released a statement to his constituents about his recent diagnosis. “After several days of tests, I have been diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, which is a serious but curable form of cancer,” he revealed. “I am about to embark on a course of chemo-immunotherapy on an outpatient basis at Med Star Georgetown University Hospital and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. Prognosis for most people in my situation is excellent after four months of treatment.”

He continued, “I expect to be able to work through this period but have been cautioned by my doctors to reduce unnecessary exposure to avoid COVID-19, the flu, and other viruses. In addition to destroying cancer cells, chemotherapy impairs natural antibodies and undermines the body’s immune system. I am advised that it also causes hair loss and weight gain (although I am still holding out hope for the kind that causes hair gain and weight loss).”
As it stands, it seems like Congressman Raskin will be alright. Even still, cancer is a difficult journey, and the support he’s garnered has been meaningful. One such supporter is Sopranos alum and E Street Band member Steve Van Zandt, who sent Raskin some of his own head scarves. “You are about to see a step up in my chemo head-cover fashions for the next few months,” Raskin tweeted in his thank you message to Steve.
While some critics on Twitter are quick to point out that as a man, hair loss shouldn’t be an issue, medical professionals remind us that there are other reasons to wear head coverings during chemotherapy besides hair loss.
“Chemo causes hair loss, tenderness to the scalp, and many times sores,” one Twitter user wrote. “A head scarf protects the regulation of body temperature that is effected [sic] by chemo, and protects the scalp. Please be kind to chemo patients, they are fighting for their life.” In fact, this is Raskin’s second battle with cancer, after he overcame colon cancer in 2011.
Congressman Jamie Raskin’s wife, Sarah Bloom Raskin, is standing beside him during his treatment.
Raskin isn’t the only one in his family with political prowess. His wife, Sarah Bloom Raskin, served the U.S. government during Obama’s presidency. She was first a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors from 2010–2014, and then served as the 13th United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury from 2014–2017.

The couple got married in 1990 and have three children. Sadly, on Dec. 31, 2020, Sarah and Jamie released a statement that their son, Thomas, had died by suicide at the age of just 25 years old after a long battle with depression. Thomas wrote in his farewell letter, “Please forgive me. My illness won today. Look after each other, the animals and the global poor. All my love, Tommy."
Raskin and his wife have truly been through the ringer, from his two cancer diagnoses to their son’s suicide to Raskin leading Trump’s second impeachment.
We’re sending our thoughts and best wishes to Raskin and his family during this trying time.