Fans Are Confused but Also Really Excited That Steve Jobs Was in ‘AHS'

Published Oct. 7 2021, 11:46 a.m. ET

There are some people who dream so hard and will stop at nothing to attain those dreams. And if you're the type of person who's able to make your dreams become a reality, and you do it at a high level, the rest of society tends to look at you differently as a result, and it can be quite an alienating experience.
Is this why Steve Jobs is in American Horror Story: Double Feature?
Why is Steve Jobs in 'American Horror Story'?
AHS has been running for a very long time, and one of the main reasons for the show's success is that show creators aren't pigeon-holed into keeping the same narrative running for a multitude of seasons. The same actors play different roles for contained stories each and every season.

The show blends tons of classic monsters and myths/tropes into a single season. Heck, things got very very weird in Asylum from the very first episode, remember?
The show also doesn't shy away from including real-life figures into its fantastical narrative, including business magnate and late tech guru Steve Jobs.
So why is Jobs in this latest season? Well, it might have to do with the premise of American Horror Story: Double Feature — it's got everything to do with aliens.
It might have something to do with the "Reality Distortion Field" that Steve Jobs is credited with creating. The man was known to dream so hard and have such conviction in his ideals that he got others to drink the Kool-Aid, inspiring his team to go after groundbreaking implementations of finely-tuned technology.
Of course, Star Trek fans will know immediately understand the reference to the RDF, but in addition to that term, there are also some people who honestly think that Steve Jobs himself is an alien. It's a pretty interesting theory that some people are convinced explains how a guy with very little technological know-how was able to turn a company that was all about "computing for the people" into one of the world's largest luxury tech brands.
Who's the actor who plays Steve Jobs in 'American Horror Story'?
Len Cordova has had a few film and TV roles over the years. Prior to being cast as the tech wunderkind, he had a recurring role in Ray Donovan as a detective, and he also had roles in CSI: NY, Revenge, Modern Family, and a bunch of other high-profile shows. In the series, he's rocking Steve's trademark black turtleneck look.
It's a role that was definitely designed to get people talking, especially because he came out of nowhere and managed to surprise fans of the show. How did you react when you saw Jobs in AHS?