The 'Cheers' Cast Is Making a Cameo on 'The Goldbergs' — Here's Why!
Updated March 31 2021, 1:43 p.m. ET

ABC is giving us all the warm and fuzzy feelings this week. Some of our favorite television characters from the past will be popping up unexpectedly throughout ABC’s Cast From The Past Week. On Wednesday, October 9, the cast of Cheers will have a mini-reunion on an episode of The Goldbergs.
Kirstie Alley, Rhea Perlman, John Ratzenberger, and George Wendt will show up as Geoff’s (Sam Lerner) customers for his new food delivery service. When Murray’s (Jeff Garlin) cheesesteak is lost en route to Murray’s stomach, our old friends from Cheers become part of the mystery.

Will the cast play their Cheers characters?
The actors won't be playing exactly the characters we lovingly know them as like Norm, Carla Tortelli, Rebecca Howe, or Cliff Clavin. But their essence will come through. When Murray and Geoff show up at his door, George Wendt offers to search for the missing cheesesteak at the bottom of the beer he's drinking. Totally something Norm would do, right?
Rhea Perlman will channel her inner Carla. When Geoff and Murray show up to her door under the guise of asking if she was satisfied with the quality of the food she received, she replies, "Sure, but my standards are very low. One time I ordered a pizza, honest to God, it had three screws on it. I ate it anyway.”

As you'd expect from good ole Cliff Clavin, keeper of trivial facts about inane subjects, John Ratzenberger plays a customer filled with cheesesteak information. Everything except where Murray and Geoff can find the missing cheesesteak!
Which Cheers character has the cheesesteak?
Murray Goldberg goes along with Erika’s hapless boyfriend, Geoff, as part of the search party. Murray loves his food, as we all know from watching The Goldberg’s. “I want to see for myself what kind of person takes another man’s sandwich!” Murray declares.
Finally, we arrive at Kirstie Alley's door. Mystery solved. "She reeks of cheesy, beefy goodness! What are you doing, you monster?!” yells Murray as we see Kirstie sink her teeth into the sandwich. Murray politely asks for the sandwich back. “That’s gonna be kind of tough, I already ate the hell out of it,” Kirstie replies.

Cheers was on the air from 1982 until 1993. America fell in love with the characters throughout the 275 episodes. The Goldberg's have been cracking us up since its premiere in 2013. Putting these two beloved shows together just reinforces our love for nostalgia. Great writing, great acting, and fun storylines. ABC really is onto something with their Cast From The Past Week.
Why is Ted Danson missing?
We won't be seeing Ted Danson or Kelsey Grammar. No Shelley Long or Bebe Neuwirth either. But if America loves this week of nostalgia as much as we think they will, perhaps "Food in a Geoffy" will be delivering to more Cheers cast members in the future!