'World of Dance' Is a Different Format This Season and People Are Over It

Updated July 2 2020, 11:23 a.m. ET

Fans weren’t sure if we were going to get a full season of World of Dance because of the worldwide pandemic, but thankfully, it seems like most of the filming happened beforehand. Season 4 is airing and it's a little different than the other seasons. The format has changed slightly and while some change is good, people seem to be over the new format and are instead asking: Why is World of Dance in a warehouse?
'World of Dance' is usually on the big stage.
Fans could not wait for Season 4 of World of Dance to arrive. The show is so entertaining with the incredible dancers, the great music to accompany the dancers from all around the world, and the critiques and awe of the judges, Jennifer Lopez, Ne-Yo, and Derek Hough.
In the first few seasons, dancers first had to get through the producers OK before moving along to the qualifiers round where they would then make it to the big stage in front of the celebrity judges.
The big stage is one of the reasons the show is so amazing — it's an incredible stage with cameras all over and it's super impressive. But this season the show decided to do something a little different.
Why is 'World of Dance' in a warehouse?
In an effort to switch things up or save money, this season the show decided to do things a little differently. Instead of waiting to see the dancers until the qualifying rounds, they surprised the contestants who thought they were going to dance in front of the producers, only to be surprised by the celebrity judges.
Oh, and they're dancing in a warehouse.
"They have to earn their right to get onto the stage," Jennifer said in a promo for the season. "And they have to get through us to do that."
While the format seems fun, people on social media are over it saying they miss the stage and it's just not the same.
"I'm 20 mins into The Qualifiers and I am not feeling this new format," one person said. "It seems every season you guys try to bite other shows. The show struggles in finding it's identity [sic]. So far it feels like American Idol auditions with the warehouse mixed with The Voice backstage antics."
"'The idea of them auditioning in a warehouse will make them feel like they came from somewhere'" another tweeted, referencing what the show said as to why they're in a warehouse. The person added, "Orrrr your budget went down lol."
"@NBCWorldofDance is about to lose me this season if they don’t get out of this damn warehouse," another wrote. "Part of its appeal was the stage production and score tabulation. Making the cut, not not. This American Idol/SYTYCD format is bulls--t. #WorldOfDance"
People thought World of Dance would be out of the warehouse and onto the big stage for the next round, but that didn't happen either.
"I gotta say ...not a big fan of the WOD warehouse instead of the stage," someone tweeted. "I thought it was just for the "audition" rounds but it feels v underwhelming compared to the last few seasons."
Now, chances are the show will eventually hit that big stage with the fancy cameras, hopefully soon because people seem really over this new format.