Why Was Fruit Stripe Gum Discontinued? Millennials Want Answers

Published Jan. 11 2024, 11:37 a.m. ET

Close your eyes, and you might catch a whiff of that distinctive fruity aroma, as if it's wafting through the decades into your memories. Fruit Stripe Gum, with its neon colors and whimsical packaging, isn't just a chewy treat — it's a time machine, transporting millennials back to the days when life was a little simpler and the candy aisle held infinite possibilities.
Now that you're in the land of sweet, sweet nostalgia, brace yourself. Stripe Gum is being discontinued!
OK, let's indulge in a moment of reflection. Remember the anticipation of unwrapping those little striped packs, the brief explosion of fruity delight? And let's not forget about those iconic tongue tattoos!
It's more than just gum — it's a gateway to our youth. And as we bid adieu, we can't help but say, "Yipes! Stripes!," one last time.
Stripe Gum isn't gone, gone — but just like its flavor — it won't be around long.

The familiar sight of those boldly striped packages brings out a slew of childhood memories. Rollerblading on Friday nights and singing to Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" on your ride into school.
News of the discontinuation may feel like the end of an era, but fear not — the stripes aren't gone yet.
Some lucky souls might still stumble upon them at select retailers, and savor that burst of nostalgia one last time.
And much like the taste, these last few packs won't be here for long!
Nobody knows exactly why the gum is being discontinued. But maybe its short-lived flavor led to low sales.
For those lamenting the news, online marketplaces, the modern treasure troves of all things nostalgic, might be the next stop.
As we bid adieu to Fruit Stripe Gum in production, it's time to embark on a journey to secure that final pack. Fair warning though, a 12-pack is already up to $220 on eBay!
The Fruit Stripes Gum zebra actually had a name.
In the rush of memories, many may have overlooked that this rainbow-striped zebra, responsible for adorning countless packs of gum, had a name: Yipes. Yes, the very creature that adorned our temporary tattoos and shared in our fleeting moments of gum-induced bliss. Yipes the Zebra stood tall as the face of this cherished childhood treat.
Behind the vibrant stripes and playful demeanor, Yipes brought a sense of whimsy to the whole experience. And who can forget him jumping around in that — oh, so 80's — commercial?
As we bid farewell to Fruit Stripe Gum, let's not mourn the end but celebrate the sweet journey it took us on. The neon colors, the swift burst of flavor, and Yipes the Zebra — all ingredients in a recipe that defined a generation's sweet tooth.
So, here's to the millennial candy aisle explorers, forever chasing the taste of their youth in every colorful pack of gum. Yipes! Stripes! May the memories of Fruit Stripe Gum live on, just as vivid and fleeting as its iconic flavors.