Sanchovies Faces His Third Ban From Twitch This Year

Published Aug. 29 2022, 3:58 p.m. ET
It takes a talented player to be skilled at League of Legends, which is why certain streamers, like Sanchovies on Twitch, are particularly popular. With more than 300,000 followers on the streaming platform, he often puts in hundreds of hours playing the popular MOBA — but he recently found himself banned from Twitch. Why was he banned from the popular streaming site?
Why was Sanchovies banned from Twitch this time?
In the early hours of Aug. 29, Sanchovies tweeted the news of his ban, addressing his own theories as to what could've caused him to lose access to his account yet again.
"OK so either I got banned for saying Americans are fat pieces of bacon and lardf--kers (jokingly) or telling a story in which I was called the homophobic 'f' slur in Toronto yesterday," he tweeted. "Either way I shall serve my sentence and return to you lovely people a challenger mid-laner."
This ban apparently happened in the middle of one of his streams, and though Twitch did not officially release any reason for why Sandchovies was banned yet again, internet sleuths have deduced that this temporary ban was due to a Terms of Service violation.
This isn't the first time Sanchovies has been banned from Twitch.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that Sanchovies has found his account banned — in fact, this is the third ban the streamer has faced in 2022.
According to Streamer Bans, a site that tracks streamers' standing with their streaming site, Sanchovies faced a seven-day ban in April, followed immediately by a 23-day ban the same day his account was reinstated.
Sanchovie's first ban came four years into his career on the streaming platform; in a tweet following the ban, he initially stated he didn't feel the ban was a big deal — only to later discover that the ban was initially in place for an indefinite period of time.
This first infraction was the result of a comment he made at the end of a live stream in which he threatened to bomb his internet provider. In a TwitLonger following the ban, he publicly apologized for his inappropriate comments.
"I've been dealing with internet problems for as long as I can remember, and in an outburst of frustration I said something reallllllly stupid towards the end of the stream, threatening to bomb my ISP's headquarters," he wrote. "This had been something of an inside joke within my channel for years, but what I said was super irresponsible as somebody with a considerably large audience. I apologize for that. It was an awful, awful joke to make and it'll never happen again. I am truly sorry and I totally understand Twitch's decision to enforce the policy I violated."
Unfortunately, it seems that his account has continued to face scrutiny — and it's unclear just how long his current ban will be in place or when he'll be able to stream on Twitch again. In the interim, it seems that Sanchovies has chosen to wait out his sentencing and will be back as soon as Twitch sees it appropriate to let him stream.