Power Book II: Ghost Fans Are Convinced Carrie's Days at Stansfield University Are Numbered

Published Jan. 21 2022, 4:33 p.m. ET
It’s not common for Power Book II: Ghost fans to be in agreement on anything. From who Tariq St. Patrick (Michael Rainey Jr.) should end up with to whether or not Cane should be killed, the debates on social media are endless. But, one thing all viewers are aligned on is the belief that Professor Carrie Milgram (Melanie Liburd) needs to go — either by choice or death.
Since the start of Power Book II: Ghost, Carrie has been a problematic character. And throughout Season 2, Carrie has shown her cards. With an obvious sex addiction, knack for not minding her own business, and hypocritical nature, fans are ready for Professor Milgran to bid us adieu. After her secret has come to light on campus, it’s safe to say that her days are numbered. So, will Carrie resign from Stansfield University? Here’s what we think.

It may be in Carrie’s best interest to resign immediately.
Viewers can agree that Carrie tops the list of problematic characters on Power Book II: Ghost. Aside from her manipulating Lauren (Paige Hurd) into wearing a wire, Carrie has completely overstepped her boundaries as an educator.
From having a controversial relationship with student, Ezekiel Cross (Daniel Bellomy), to her track record of sleeping around with four men involved in the Jabari Reynolds murder case, she’s a hot mess. And of course, nothing stays a secret for too long in the Power universe.
After Carrie witnessed students talking about her sexual life on the Clubhouse app and being exposed at Jabari’s memorial dinner, she’s at a low point. Her professional career has taken a major blow and her students no longer have any respect for her.
Not to mention, Carrie also has a target on her back, thanks to Davis Maclean (Method Man). Since Carrie coerced Lauren into wearing a wire to try and get information on Tariq, Davis has decided that he’s putting Lauren on the stand. And of course, the source of the wire will be revealed, which will not only put Lauren’s life in danger, but Carrie’s.

So, thinking about all of Carrie’s missteps on Power, she’s become a sitting duck. Making a clean break from Stansfield is the best way for her to avoid any more damage to her reputation.
Social media users are sick of Carrie and want to see her killed off the show.
As an actor it can suck when your character becomes enemy No. 1 on social media. While it’s a testament to how great their acting skills are, not having the support of fans can be a tough pill to swallow. In that regard, Carrie is definitely feeling the heat.
Not only are social media users over Carrie and her antics, the fact that she's fixated on seeing Tariq go to jail is a dealbreaker. Many fans believe that Carrie will be killed off by Monet (Mary J. Blige) or simply fired from Stansfield. After all, professors with shaky reputations are seen as a liability. So, there is a chance that Carrie may be on the unemployment line very soon.
Either way you look at it, Carrie’s time on the show is limited. While it’s true Power showrunners are known to throw in a few twists and turns, she’s done too much to not pay the ultimate price.
But, since the showrunners have the final say, we’ll have to see how the rest of Season 2 rolls out.
Catch new episodes of Power Book 2: Ghost on Sundays on Starz.