Good News! 'The Disney Family Singalong' Is Officially on Disney Plus

Updated March 22 2021, 12:49 p.m. ET

In these difficult days when most of us are staying inside our homes for way more time than we’re used to, Disney is really going the extra mile to keep us entertained. First, there was the surprise Frozen II drop on Disney Plus. Then Onward came to the streaming service way ahead of schedule. The latest Disney dream come true was The Disney Family Singalong, which ABC aired on Thursday, April 16.
Unfortunately, The Disney Family Singalong is now over. Does that mean there’s no way to see all those awesome Disney stars and musicians singing along with your favorite Disney tunes? So how about it, Disney? Will The Disney Family Singalong be on Disney Plus?

Will ‘The Disney Family Singalong’ be on Disney Plus?
If you check the Disney Plus site now, you may notice that The Disney Family Singalong has finally made its way among its many hundreds of movies and TV shows. That means that you better be fully prepared to belt out "I Won't Say I'm in Love" right alongside Ariana Grande, because we all know that's the most underrated Disney song out there.
But wait! What should you do if you don't have Disney Plus but you really want to watch and rewatch the High School Musical reunion? Don’t despair! After the show aired on ABC, it was made available to stream on Hulu — but only for the seven days following the original airing. After those seven days are up, though, it'll keep living on Disney Plus.

Will there be another ‘Disney Family Singalong’?
The Disney Family Singalong was such a success (did you see Beyoncé?!), so naturally, we’re curious — will there be another Disney Family Singalong in the near future? It’s certainly a possibility, but making the first one was so much work that we can totally see Disney taking a bit of a break before making another large-scale remote production.
In an interview with BuzzfeedNews, Executive Producer Katy Mullan spoke about the difficulties of getting so many celebrity performances recorded and edited together while working completely remotely. “Normally we take six to three months to put together a big talent-filled special like this, and the whole idea of doing it in under two weeks was bananas,” she said.
“We had to figure out a way to talk [the celebrities] through everything remotely. A lot of celebrities were tech-savvy, and in other instances, it was a lot of talking people through exactly how to have the camera, doing test shots, reworking them, and having your fingers and toes crossed that it would be good when it came back.”
Luckily for Disney fans, the show came together in record time and was an absolute delight. If they do make another one, there will certainly be plenty of people watching — and singing along, of course.