Persistence Pays Off? Woman Applies to 500+ Jobs Without a Single Offer

Published May 11 2023, 2:30 p.m. ET

Searching for a job can feel like dating. The job hunt can be tedious, stressful, and sometimes heartbreaking, but the joy of finding “the one,” or, in many cases, “the one right now,” seemingly makes up for all of the in-between the kerfuffle. But for several hopeful employees, looking for their following career path has become their full-time job.
One woman shared her disappointing job search with her TikTok followers. The woman claimed she applied to over 500 jobs and has yet to secure a full-time position.
Here are the relatable reasons she’s ready to quit the search altogether.
Woman claims she’s “done” with job hunting after applying to over 500 Jobs with no success.
In May 2023, a woman named Andi (@directionally_yours on TikTok) posted a 3-minute video on her channel to update her followers on her quest for a new job after being laid off in November/December 2022. The Human Resources professional said she “applied to 503 jobs” between the end of 2022 and the first five months of 2023 to no avail.
Andi said she was prompted to make a TikTok about her struggles after a company told her she didn’t get the position she wanted. That happens, right? Yes, except the user said she went through “five rounds of interviews” with the company before they decided she wasn’t the best fit.
Another company reportedly gave Andi a similar treatment. While she never named either corporation, she claimed the second one put her through “four rounds” of interviews only to receive a rejection from them as well.
Andi discussed dealing with recruiters who have yet to respond to her requests. Then, she said one company interviewed her and told her they were “going in a different direction.” Days later, the same office reposted the position online without telling her.
Understandably, the bad news from the company made her so upset she declared she would be spending the day cozy on her couch with her blue PJs that “make me feel like Jasmine,” her teddy bear, and possibly some ice cream. Andi also added she had been “in tears all day” and preceded to break down her job rejections for a few months.
“I think I’m done,” she said on TikTok. “I have already accepted one little part-time position, but they don’t have a ton of hours to give me. So between that and my other job, I won’t even be coming close to affording our bills.”
Fellow TikTokers supported the woman after hearing her story.
For many TikTokers, Andi's job hunt story was far too relatable. She mentioned in the video that she "did everything right," including having a bachelor's and master's degree. Still, Andi said her experience, career trajectory, and educational background have made it difficult to find jobs that aren't "offering pennies on the dollar" in her expensive hometown.
Underneath her TikTok, many of the influencer's community supported her with uplifting words of encouragement. Some also gave her job searching advice, such as considering temporary jobs. Like the TikToker, several other users were working jobs that they felt didn’t match their degrees.
“I have two masters...I currently work at Walmart because I can't seem to get a job in any of my fields,” one commenter admitted. “The struggle is real.”
“I have a Ph.D., and I am in the same boat,” another stated. “Just want you to know that you are not alone.”
Check on your corporate friends, peeps; it’s ridiculously rough out here!