Guy Matches With Woman on Bumble, She Brings Her Parents on the First Date

Published Nov. 7 2023, 12:24 p.m. ET
Although some people think that romance is dead, dating remains the best chance singles have of meeting the love of their life. With a bevy of online dating apps, meeting someone you’re genuinely interested in should be easier. However, that isn't always the case.
Many online daters have admitted that dating app algorithms are rarely on their side. And, because content is king these days, those active on TikTok share their relatable and nearly unimaginable dating horror stories.
One man's story on TikTok fell into the unimaginable category. On his platform, the man shared a dating horror story that involved a woman he matched on Bumble and her parents.
Keep reading to find out what happened!

A guy’s Bumble match brought her parents along with her for their first date.
During the early stages of dating, many women discuss their potential love interests with their friends or close relatives. It’s pretty typical for women to share a few photos or even a dating profile before they prepare to meet their date in person to get a second, third, or fourth opinion.
But, one woman went as far as to enlist her parents to vet her date, who shared the story on his TikTok account.
In October 2023, TikTok user Zakir (@zockr) posted a video titled “Another dating nightmare.” Zakir, who says in his bio he has a “black belt in first dates,” often discusses his time being unlucky in love on his platform. However, his more recent dating disaster involved his possible in-laws.
Zakir explained that he matched with a woman on Bumble. In the video, he calls the woman Priyanka to protect her identity. Zakir began his TikTok by stating the date with Priyanka left him “traumatized” and shared why it was so horrible.
Initially, Zakir and Priyanka were a good match. He said he was drawn to her after seeing her Bumble bio, which read, “It’s either this or an arranged marriage,” with a cute emoji.
Once they matched, they began texting. Then, Zakir, who said he had previously had a bad experience of going on a date with someone without seeing what they really looked like, asked Priyanka to FaceTime him.
After she confirmed she wasn’t catfishing him (at least not physically, but more on that later), Zakir asked Priyanka out to get some Indian food since they discovered their families were both from different areas in India.
A few days later, Zakir and Priyanka met at an Indian restaurant for their date. Everything seemed to go smoothly until Zakir noticed their table was set for four, with two people already seated. When Zakir asked Priyanka about the people sitting at their table, she told him they were her “mom and dad.”
Zakir was shocked by Priyanka’s choice to bring her parents on a first date. He said many thoughts were racing through his mind when he approached her parents, including how he may have unintentionally walked in on an arranged marriage.
“This is my arranged marriage,” Zakir said. “I cannot hide from this moment in time. My love life expired there. There is officially an end date to my dating career.”
TikTok users had many questions and suggestions after hearing Zakir’s story.
Although he was mortified by going on a double date with his Bumble match’s parents, Zakir didn’t do what I would’ve done and pretended I left something in the car before bolting. Instead, Zakir said he sat with Priyanka’s family, where he was asked multiple questions about what he does for a living.
Zakir said the final straw for him was when Priyanka’s father asked him if he could call HIS parents to join them at dinner. Zakir refused, stating his parents weren’t nearby and wouldn’t make it in time for dinner. Priyanka’s dad then got up, told Priyanka they were going home, and left the building with Priyanka and her mother.
The bizarre experience shook Zakir, who ended up going home and never speaking to Priyanka again. Still, he said he isn’t done dating just yet, which is a good thing. While Priyanka wasn’t the one for him, there are still many great, single women out there who likely don’t need a parental chaperone by their side.
Several users agreed that Zakir should keep dating despite his disastrous interaction. However, some suggested he do a little more vetting of his dates before he goes out with them in public.
“Maybe ask the next one if she plans to bring extra people,” one commenter suggested.
“Take a break and then go back into it with a fresh energy,” another user warned.
Many other commenters said they are rooting for Zakir and want him to find his “last first date.” In the meantime, we will continue being entertained by his unbelievable but true dating stories!