Kraft Mac & Cheese Crusader Wins Battle With Conglomerant Over Boxes Missing Cheese Packs
"Going to check mine right now. Lol."

Published Dec. 6 2024, 3:36 p.m. ET
Today we have another hard-fought battle between the little guy (or in this case, girl) vs. big business. TikToker Abby (@aceengel) started a 3-act video journey with the first video meticulously detailing a rather annoying quality control issue with Kraft Gluten-Free Mac and Cheese. Act One’s video had 1.7M views.
Speaking directly to the camera, she passionately tells her story of opening four separate boxes from four different stores in different cities—all missing the iconic orange powdery cheese packets.
“I’m gluten free, and I have gotten now four boxes of gluten free Mac and cheese that do not have a sauce packet inside,” she said. Abby went on to explain that she’d done what anyone might do in this situation– fill out Kraft’s online forms and provide photo proof.
Kraft’s lackluster response only provided coupons which, ironically… led to more defective boxes. Thus, the cycle continued.
“Giving me a coupon to go get more isn’t solving the problem, because Kraft Mac and cheese is not addressing the problem in their line of production,” she common-sensically put it.
This wasn’t about getting free stuff, this was about doing the right thing.
To add insult to injury, and in a moment that would elevate Abby’s fight, Kraft’s TikTok account (@kraftmacandcheese) responded with a rather milk toast and dismissive comment: “We’re not having any quality issues with our gluten-free Kraft Mac and Cheese.”
And that’s when the gloves really came off. Her terse reply—“Then why have I opened 4 boxes with no cheese packets?”—upped the anty on the back-and-forth. And the army of internet commenters came to her aide.
“The way I would never buy Kraft again if I was the one experiencing this and they responded this way?!?” one user wrote. Others piled on, with one repartee-ing a la Medieval times, “Yes off with their heads 🤡🤡.” A third user Webster’s 2022 word of the year, “Not Kraft gaslighting you😂.”
Undeterred, Abby returned with a second video to confront Kraft’s public response and take the issue further– this video also had an impressive 393K views. “Hi, Kraft, it’s me again. Obviously, we have a lot to talk about, so let’s get into it,” setting the stage and addressing the company head-on.
She then provided case numbers, emails, and a timeline of her complaints– dismantling any notion that Kraft had made any real attempt to resolve the issue.
“Here are my DMs. As you can tell, they’re empty,” she said over a complimentary green screen showing her Instagram account. This was no laughing matter– as celiac disease is a very serious illness affecting millions of Americans.
“This is more than just Mac and cheese to me. This is literally being able to eat something when I don’t feel good and when my relationship with food is bad,” she said simply. Many gluten-free and celiac viewers too shared in Abby’s frustration, steadily increasing the number of those interested in a resolution.
And then that resolution came:
In her third and final video, at 655K views, Abby revealed the hard-earned victory she sought. Kraft actually called her directly. “Hi, TikTok. I’m back because, um, within about two hours of my third video being posted, I got a call from Kraft,” she joyfully announced.
She went on to explain that an executive named Larry apologized on behalf of the company and assured her that an internal investigation was underway to address the missing packets. She also said that Larry promised the company would revisit its customer service department after their dismissive comment in Video 1.

“They don’t know how they come across until they get feedback on their responses, so they will be learning from their mistake,” Larry explained to her.
Stouffer’s, another Kraft brand, also reached out with an offer to send gluten-free cheese packets and some extra edible swag.
“I also wanna know that Stouffer's Mac and cheese has also reached out to me and is going to be sending me some gluten-free packets of cheese…which is so kind of them.”
The comments section exploded with celebratory feedback, with one user joking, “I’m giggling and kicking my feet thinking about the board meetings this morning."
Another praised Abby as “As a fellow gluten free girlie, thank you for your service.” Abby closed the chapter on what some have dubbed “Mac and Cheese Gate” by thanking her supporters and encouraging others to speak out when faced with unsatisfactory Customer Support.

Abby’s story speaks to several issues. The first being the growing influence of gluten-free eaters in the U.S., a market fueled by nearly 3 million Americans with celiac disease and millions more opting for gluten-free lifestyles. Gluten-free products serve as lifesavers for individuals with these dietary restrictions– what were once rice cakes are now delicious cauliflower crust pizzas and beyond. Good on Kraft for throwing their hat into the GF arena– but it is unfortunate Abby had to take to TikTok to get a proper resolution.
And yet again, social media has proven to be one of the best modern tools for consumer advocacy. Platforms like TikTok provide ordinary people with extraordinary reach– like this story where a woman caught the attention of Delta over short seatbelts.
Abby’s saga demonstrates that persistence plus virality might just equal change– especially when traditional customer service falls short. While Kraft ultimately did the right thing, Abby’s determination is the only reason Kraft got there. Her story is a reminder that when customer service fails, social media can offer a stage where justice could be one post away, or 3.