TikToker's Boyfriend Pretends He Isn't Home After Girlfriend Catches Him With Side Chick

Published Dec. 10 2022, 9:27 a.m. ET

A TikToker's story time about how she taught a woman to always keep her car locked is going viral on the popular social media application.
For some people, locking their car, their computer, house door, a secret pathway to their underground lair, etc. is a force of habit.
It's something that they do without even thinking — it just becomes muscle memory after a while. But then there are some folks who maybe have a little too much trust in certain situations and making sure that their personal belongings are secured isn't really a top priority.
Like the woman that Analisa Corona (@analisacorona2) discovered was having an affair with her boyfriend. Analisa says in the video: "OK so this is a story about how I taught a b***h to lock her car. So one day, my boyfriend at the time was being weird. And I asked him if I could go see him and he said no."
It seems like this set off alarms in Analisa's head, so she decided to do some prying to ultimately find out why he wasn't willing to spend time with her, "I asked to FaceTime him and he wouldn't answer and I had a feeling that something was going on, so I went to go pull up and check and sure enough, I was right."

Analisa continued, "So I pull up to his house right, and I see a car that's usually parked where I park. And usually, there wasn't cars that park where I park so I knew something was wrong. And I knew that someone was there. So my crazy self, my adrenaline's all the way up to here, and I'm like you know I'm gonna go see whose car this is."

The TikToker approached the car and sure enough, the door was open. "So I walk up to the car, I grab the handle the b***h left her car open. So what do I do? I'm going through that b***h's car. She left her wallet in there, she left her AirPods in there. She left everything you could imagine, in her car, unlocked.

"And sure enough, I know who it is. I know who it is. So my crazy self I do what I think is best, and I go to the front door, and go, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom," at this point in the video Analisa pantomimes knocking on her boyfriend's house door. "He's not answering the front door."

Since she wasn't receiving an answer, she said that she ultimately decided to go to her boyfriend's bedroom window and continued to knock on that instead; still no answer, however.
"At this point, nobody's answering. I get a text, from him saying that his neighbors called him and said that somebody's banging on the door."

Analisa knew he was lying, "Nobody called him, nobody called him. The neighbors did not call him. They were inside that b***h and they didn't want to come out. And so then I get a text, a screenshot of a 911 call and the minute's still going and he's like you better go cause the cops are coming."

"B***h I gotta get out there. But before I got out of there, I grabbed all her cards, grabbed all her s***t from her car...throwing it everywhere on the lawn because when that b***h comes out, you're gonna pick up your s**t b***h. I also took her Airpods, I wasn't gonna do it, I wasn't gonna do it, but they wouldn't come out so what do I do, I took them."

She continued, "And that was a steal for me because one of my Airpods wasn't working my right one wasn't working that's the one you need the most so I was like you know what, took. So I get out of there and then a few days pass and she wants her Airpods back I give em back."

However, Analisa admits that she pulled an old switcheroo. "But I gave her my old ones and I changed the name to lock your car, b***h."

TikTokers had a litany of different reactions to Analisa's post. Some said that they approved of the way she went about exacting revenge against her boyfriend and the woman that he was cheating on her with, especially because it seems like the two of them have a history with one another as Analisa intimated in her video.
Others said that it probably wasn't all that smart of the TikToker to get into such granular detail about the nature of how she handled the situation with her ex-boyfriend as it could potentially get her in trouble.
What do you think? Could you understand Analisa's theft, entering the woman's car and causing damage to her items? Or do you think that she was out of pocket?