Woman Tries to Avoid Baggage Fee at Airport, Pulls Out Increasingly Ridiculous Outfits From Luggage

Published Sept. 27 2022, 2:12 p.m. ET

A viral TikTok has folks on the popular social media platform in stitches. In it, a woman pulls out one ridiculous costume after another in a bid to bypass an overweight baggage fee.
The moment was captured in front of a Southwest Airlines baggage claim area where onlookers watched the woman struggled to make the weight limit, laughing the entire time.
Southwest lists its baggage policies on its website as follows: "Southwest will accept the first two checked bags for free provided that the bags do not exceed 50 pounds and 62 inches (L+W+H). Overweight items from 50 to 100 pounds and oversized items in excess of 62 inches but not more than 80 inches will be accepted for a charge of $75 per item. Only one $75.00 charge applies if the piece is both oversized and overweight, regardless of the weight as long as it does not exceed 100 pounds. Excess baggage which is also overweight or oversized will be charged excess baggage plus the applicable oversize or overweight charge."
The video posted by TikToker Taylor Watson (@taylormakesvideos), is likely a gag, especially because the bag she was attempting to check looks like it definitely follows the size requirements. It looks like any normal-sized luggage you would see commuters pushing around the airport.
In the clip, she first extricates a full-size chicken suit. The woman then puts the chicken suit on and checks with the assistant to see if she is able to make the weight limit. She then removes another item from her baggage to see if that helps: it's a large gorilla costume which she also wears on top of her chicken suit.

That doesn't make matters any better, either. So she takes out another item from her luggage: an avocado costume, which goes on top of her layers of outfits, followed by what appears to be a red nightgown she wears as a scarf, and a series of hats she wears one on top of the other.

The hats are then followed by a shawl. Then the woman puts the bag on the scale airport employees use to determine the weight of passenger suitcases. However, just to be on the safe side, she puts her foot underneath the luggage to "trick" the electronic scale into thinking that her bag is lighter than it really is.

Finally, after layering several costumes and various clothing items, the woman is able to get her baggage checked and she waddles away, boarding pass and carry-on in hand, towards her plane.

This isn't the first airport gag Taylor has pulled. In July of 2022, she donned a chauffeur hat and wrote her boyfriend's last name on a card, pretending like she was a driver there to pick him up.
Although she arrived at the airport early, she didn't cue him in on her gag, and texted him to keep her updated on his status, making it seem like she hadn't even left yet. She met a chauffeur picking someone else up at the airport as well, who enjoyed the prank and the clear enthusiasm she got for pulling it off.

Taylor recorded her boyfriend's reaction as he came down the escalator, who laughed upon seeing her holding up the sign and rocking her driver's hat.
TikTokers who saw both of her posts expressed how much they loved Taylor's sense of humor, with many stating that even though they thought the chicken suit prank was staged, it was still impressive that she pulled it off at a busy ticket counter.

"That's the kind of girl i would marry," commented one viewer.
"I want to be her friend," wrote another.
How would you react to seeing someone stage a comedy gag at the airport like this? Would you find it funny? Or would you be annoyed because you wouldn't want to miss your flight?